Would you shave your head for $50k?

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You know, I would want to say no, but seriously...$50,000 is more money than a lot of people earn in a year. I'm POSITIVE it can buy you a few wigs to wear for a few months. It takes me about a year to grow 6 inches of hair, and I normally donate to locks of love (skip out on trims for 2-3 years and then whop it all off at once). If the hair went to a good cause, I'd feel good about it. Hey, spend $1,000-$5,000 on some REALLY good wigs/extensions and really, past the first 3 months or until your hair is long enough for extensions, it won't matter. (look at britney spears. Besides those initial pictures ... she basically looked normal, hair-wise, with all her wigs and extensions. I mean...how long is her hair by now anyway? when did it grow back and when did she stop using extensions, or does she still? you can't tell!)

at the least, it would be optional instead of required as for chemo patients.

I'd be sad about it, seeing as it'd take me a year and a half to grow my hair back to a length I actually liked, but I'd probably do it for a lot less than $50K. Honestly, if someone was sitting in front of you with $10K and a set of clippers, wouldn't you do it? I'd get a $400 wig and trade in my car on something new, then I'd just get some extensions in a few months. Britney Spears didn't look so bad a few months after she shaved her head.

Besides, I'm a little bit OCD and I've always had this weird fantasy of shaving my head and giving it a good scrubbing.

No...I wouldn't even have to think about it. I know there are nice wigs and of course hair grows back, but I'm just too attached I guess

didn't want to hijack this thread but here is Miss Virginia doing just this for NO money. Click here for link



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