Would you shave your head for $50k?

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Originally Posted by HairEgo /img/forum/go_quote.gif

The 1/4 inch shaved off!

so let me get this straight, if I shave off my 1/4 inch that I have left, I can get 50k.
I'll think about it lol

so lets get this straight. if you're from Canada you get Canadian dollars, Australia Aussie dollars and in the US Obama dollars!

Yesss, I'll just buy a nice wig haha

I have a weird shaped head and wigs look retarted on me... so I dunno lol Maybe for a cool million instead? lol

What!? Hell yes! I'd donate the hair to charity (got lots of it) and with 50K, I'm sure I could afford a couple of very real looking wigs lol. Plus I hate doing my hair, it's always in a bun, so now I'd have the advantage of just choosing a hairstyle and going with it lol. And besides, it'll all grow back.

Yea I would! I've already had my head shaved once before (religious reasons) I think I could do it again! And like everyone has said, wigs look more real these days too.

Plus, it'll be nice to regrow my hair and have it be super healthy.

I have always had long hair. I dont know. A part of me says that I would and the other part says that I would not. I guess I would need to be in the situation to know how I feel.

Add 50 more and I'm game! Even tho I love my hair, I'm not so attached to it the thought of losing it would kill me... For 100K, definitely!

I'd do it!

50k is a lot of money! And I'd use a little bit of it to buy a long wig.

My hair grows really fast anyway.

I would, i would!!! And then i would use the money to take timeout on a deserted island until i grew my crewcut long enough to get myself some hairextentions :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I don't know, i like my long hair, and i want it longer. But i guess if all you have to do to get the money is shave your hair, it grows back

It sounds like most of you would be up for it......I'm the hair-minority!

yeah i would, i am currently dying my hair for a 10 point extra credit in my bio class (which when you average it out really ends up only being a 1 point extra credit out of 100)

but i can totaly understand the hesitance, i would proboably be upset if i shaved my whole head but all that money would make me a whole lot happier

um, yeah, in a heartbeat! it would grow back, and i'd just take a chunk of mooney out & buy me a wig til it grew.

so a lot of people are claiming they would go for it if they got a wig. My question is would you do it without a wig? I knew a woman going through chemo for breast cancer that was originally wearing a wig, but after a while got rid of it and it was her statement that she was fighting. The social stigma or even vanity was completely gone at that point.

I would do it without a wig. I honestly always wanted to shave my head so i can start all over! lol

Originally Posted by Darla /img/forum/go_quote.gif so a lot of people are claiming they would go for it if they got a wig. My question is would you do it without a wig? I knew a woman going through chemo for breast cancer that was originally wearing a wig, but after a while got rid of it and it was her statement that she was fighting. The social stigma or even vanity was completely gone at that point. Hmm thats a completely seperate topic of discussion. If I had cancer and lost my hair, I would opt to not wear a wig; I'd be proud of my new look. However, in the scenerio I asked the original question, I would still decline to participate.
If it were for real, I'd do it in a heart beat. I mean, how long does it take me to save 50K? Yea a long time, money does not come to me that easy.


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