Why So Shy?

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Jan 9, 2012
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Perhaps this isn't the right forum for this, but it's sort of related to introductions....while I understand the desire for some level of anonymity online...wouldn't it be nice if all the Makeup Talk staffers had their photos available? Since a huge portion of the welcome message is to indicate that ALL folks are welcome here, it might make people who are hesitant to post feel more comfortable if they saw the wide range of who the staffers are?

Just a thought.

There uses to be a thread...I think...meet the mods. My photo is there. I had a bunch all over this site But that was long ago and all those mods, including me are gone :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I have no idea what the new chop look like. No FOTD, no nothing. It'd be good to see who you are getting beauty advise from!

We know you're ugly, Tony but you don't give beauty advise either...

We want mod pics!!

Originally Posted by Director /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm way too ugly lol
Originally Posted by calexxia /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Perhaps this isn't the right forum for this, but it's sort of related to introductions....while I understand the desire for some level of anonymity online...wouldn't it be nice if all the Makeup Talk staffers had their photos available? Since a huge portion of the welcome message is to indicate that ALL folks are welcome here, it might make people who are hesitant to post feel more comfortable if they saw the wide range of who the staffers are?

Just a thought.
Sounds like a fine idea to me.

Originally Posted by calexxia /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Surely not....after all, while beauty is only skin-deep, truly ugly is all the way to the BONE.
That's for sure. Some of the most attractive people I have ever met are ugly through and through and vice versa.

Originally Posted by Pancua /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I think it should be as people feel comfortable, not a requirement.
Well, of course it's not a requirement. We're just regular readers and commenters and can't force anyone to do anything. But, this is a makeup site, and we haven't seen most of the mods. For all we know, they don't wear or use makeup! Wouldn't that be ironic? I think it's a great idea to at least have one photo of their best makeup look in a new "Meet the Mods" thread or something like that.

I hope none of my opinions come across as rude....I always worry that my tone is going to sound way more harsh than I mean for it to be. I do agree that I've noticed a change in the site recently....not in any way to offend any of the current moderators because they do a great job, I just feel like in addition to the camera shy bunch (and many have stated they barely use makeup) we could use really use some beauty guru/junkie types to encourage user participation. Some areas of the site like FOTD and the dare to be's have just been kind of dead recently .....the sites been feeeling more and more like a box subscription forum lol. I remember when I joined many of the mods were doing makeup video tutorials, requested product reviews, new product and display sitings, daily FOTD's, NOTD's, participated in contests, gave personalized beauty advice, etc and as a new user it made me feel like the site had it's own set of beauty experts. I just miss that

Originally Posted by Fairest of all /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I hope none of my opinions come across as rude....I always worry that my tone is going to sound way more harsh than I mean for it to be.

I do agree that I've noticed a change in the site recently....not in any way to offend any of the current moderators because they do a great job, I just feel like in addition to the camera shy bunch (and many have stated they barely use makeup) we could use really use some beauty guru/junkie types to encourage user participation. Some areas of the site like FOTD and the dare to be's have just been kind of dead recently .....the sites been feeeling more and more like a box subscription forum lol. I remember when I joined many of the mods were doing makeup video tutorials, requested product reviews, new product and display sitings, daily FOTD's, NOTD's, participated in contests, gave personalized beauty advice, etc and as a new user it made me feel like the site had it's own set of beauty experts. I just miss that
Except we do have beauty gurus/junkies and participation on the DTB's have been lacking for quite some time. And there is always a reason why a deadline was missed or they couldn't participate. At the end of the day, we, the users, make the forum what it is, not the mods or experts.

And I, personally, don't find someone who only uses lipstick and/or mascara ocassionally to have an less value advice, product wise, than someone who uses a whole slew of products every day. Everyone is here for a reason and offers something to someone.

Originally Posted by Pancua /img/forum/go_quote.gif

And I, personally, don't find someone who only uses lipstick and/or mascara ocassionally to have an less value advice, product wise, than someone who uses a whole slew of products every day. Everyone is here for a reason and offers something to someone.
I agree with this. There are so many different areas of beauty products and let's say someone has no interest in makeup but does fantastic things with nail polish. Or like me, I could tell you only a little bit about high end makeup, and most of that would be from reading what others have said about it, but I can talk about budget beauty. So yes, each reader and each mod has their own contributions that add to the site. I think what many of us have noticed is that there are less and less mods interested in makeup which translates to less and less posts from readers about makeup. The mods encourage posting through knowledgeable replies, interesting topics, I guess just plain leadership and keeping the threads active. And it just seems like the makeup areas are slowly dwindling, while the major interest is in subs. Before I got interested in little black bag I would show up see that there was very little new in the makeup talk area and wander off. I think I would have left months ago if it wasn't for lbb and that bothers me. I used to love this site so much and so many of the people that I had interacted with on the makeup threads are gone, I assume they didn't find a sub that interest them so that they could at least be active there?

I clearly said the current mods do a great job in their own ways and never said anyones advice is not valued. I simply said I miss having a handful of mods who are active in ways and on parts of the site most of the current mods are not. I don't see what harm it does in pointing out the site used to have a few mods who did videos, Fotd's, and were on top of the new makeup collections and trends with reviews and advice. I'm not saying all mods should be this way, it's just an area I feel is missed by many users and would benefit the site.


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