Originally Posted by
Fairest of all /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Quote: Originally Posted by
zadidoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It's not just the moderators who should responsible for content on the forums. Ultimately the moderators can only post so much (otherwise people jump on the "she's on a power trip because she posts so much" or "she thinks she knows it all") and it's up to the members to post more often, post new things and create the fun and informative place. If people are unhappy with the lack of information on the main forums then whose fault is that? The moderators? Mine? No it's not. The forums are for people to share their opinions, their ideas, what they found, what they've tried. If the FotD area is lacking then members need to post their pictures. If the NotD is lacking then members need to share their own pictures. We have a review section for members to post their opinions and I've posted about it in the past. And yes, I have moderators now assigned in certain areas to lead those areas but it's a work in progress.
And I'm always on the look out for new moderators since this site is huge and my current staff is so small but dedicated and whom I appreciate so very much.
[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
I really don't understand why your acting so defensive to a simple suggestion in a thread that's meant to be positive and improve the site.... I never said any mod should go crazy posting to where people say they are on a "power trip". I said in my opinion it would be fun if mods who are interested want to focus on certain areas of the site they enjoy posting in to encourage user activity and so we have a familiar "face" around each area. If you haven't noticed many of my threads have thousands of views and 50+ responses so I'm certainly trying to do my part to bring in traffic and interest. Many users have expressed opinions similar to mine, so I felt it was a valid idea to share. If the site isn't interested in hearing user feedback then by all means say so, but please do not make me feel like I'm doing something wrong by sharing the opinion I'm entitled to.
Because there's more behind the post then you may know and which I'm not going to get into publicly suffice it to say that there are reasons for my reply.