Why So Shy?

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I love this thread.  It's a great wake up call to see how MUT can better engage her members.  We really need to focus on member engagement.  Lurkers on MUT has been a problem since 2003 when she started.  If you look at the front page, we sometimes have over 2000 lurkers and 200 members online.  I have seen many times posts from girls who have lurked for years then finally decided to say hi. 

Loops, I'd love to hear more ideas about how MUT can engage her members more.

Originally Posted by Director /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I love this thread.  It's a great wake up call to see how MUT can better engage her members.  We really need to focus on member engagement.  Lurkers on MUT has been a problem since 2003 when she started.  If you look at the front page, we sometimes have over 2000 lurkers and 200 members online.  I have seen many times posts from girls who have lurked for years then finally decided to say hi. 

Loops, I'd love to hear more ideas about how MUT can engage her members more.
I'll definitely get with you on this....I attended a great webinar for work about it, I need to find the recording and I'll post it to the mod forum for all of us to consider.

Originally Posted by Playedinloops /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Lurkers are an internet problem that is never going to stop. After all, the mods aren't shy about posting, that is how we became mods! Look at our post counts! But if no one wants to reply and threads die out despite being made, I'm not sure what we can do. 

Here is another thread I personally made, came back to to attempt to revive, and nothing happened, that this discussion is reminding me of: 

Sadly, I would have been pleased with that type of response to my topic. I wasn't looking for 100 replies, just a few would have made me happy. I don't know if you remember how active I used to be? But I would have 10-15 topics in a row in the "makeup talk" section that said either started by, or last reply, was me. And I would come back the next day and reply to the replies and new threads. For quite awhile it was a blast, and then slowly it got to the point that it was like I was talking to myself. I started going around to the other forums, checking out skincare, nails, etc. But then I found the subs were where everyone was and so I stuck to hanging out there.

Sadly, I would have been pleased with that type of response to my topic. I wasn't looking for 100 replies, just a few would have made me happy. I don't know if you remember how active I used to be? But I would have 10-15 topics in a row in the "makeup talk" section that said either started by, or last reply, was me. And I would come back the next day and reply to the replies and new threads. For quite awhile it was a blast, and then slowly it got to the point that it was like I was talking to myself. I started going around to the other forums, checking out skincare, nails, etc. But then I found the subs were where everyone was and so I stuck to hanging out there.
That's funny because I'm starting to find my interest in the sub forums wane a bit. Lol, different strokes I guess. Mostly the wane is due in part to sooooo much repeated dissatisfaction. There are a lot of masochists coming out every month... Sorry, don't mean to offend with that ladies and few gents..but I had to get that one out lol!
Originally Posted by MissLindaJean /img/forum/go_quote.gif

That's funny because I'm starting to find my interest in the sub forums wane a bit. Lol, different strokes I guess. Mostly the wane is due in part to sooooo much repeated dissatisfaction. There are a lot of masochists coming out every month... Sorry, don't mean to offend with that ladies and few gents..but I had to get that one out lol!

Well the good news is you probably won't offend any of them since they won't leave the birchbox thread. 

Originally Posted by MissLindaJean /img/forum/go_quote.gif

That's funny because I'm starting to find my interest in the sub forums wane a bit. Lol, different strokes I guess. Mostly the wane is due in part to sooooo much repeated dissatisfaction. There are a lot of masochists coming out every month... Sorry, don't mean to offend with that ladies and few gents..but I had to get that one out lol!
Bingo, that is why I stopped participating in the sub threads and even LBB. So much negativity all the time. I've rediscovered what it was about MUT that I liked initially and am enjoying it.

Masochists! I know that word from reading 50 Shades! LOL
I've yet to read it past a quick excerpt a friend had to share, but keep hearing people rave on and on about it. Just to share, I work in a hospital and went to get my daily caffeine fix and saw the barista reading it. I jokingly asked her if she knew about the "skinemax" scenes and how many people commented on it. Well, lo and behold there was a seriously old and well past retirement age guy behind me and boy, did he want to share him and his wife's review. I snorted my Americano everywhere, then wondered if they had complications acting out scenes and had to come to the ER!!
Originally Posted by Pancua /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Quote: Originally Posted by MissLindaJean /img/forum/go_quote.gif

That's funny because I'm starting to find my interest in the sub forums wane a bit. Lol, different strokes I guess. Mostly the wane is due in part to sooooo much repeated dissatisfaction. There are a lot of masochists coming out every month... Sorry, don't mean to offend with that ladies and few gents..but I had to get that one out lol!
Bingo, that is why I stopped participating in the sub threads and even LBB. So much negativity all the time. I've rediscovered what it was about MUT that I liked initially and am enjoying it.

And it's the reason I kept the subscription groups apart from the forums. When members join MUT they don't have access to the groups unless they specifically join that group. The forums are the heart of the site and not the groups, the groups are meant to be separate so if people don't have a subscription or sick of whatever for whatever reason then they have the rest of the forums to participate in.
Originally Posted by MissLindaJean /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I've yet to read it past a quick excerpt a friend had to share, but keep hearing people rave on and on about it. Just to share, I work in a hospital and went to get my daily caffeine fix and saw the barista reading it. I jokingly asked her if she knew about the "skinemax" scenes and how many people commented on it. Well, lo and behold there was a seriously old and well past retirement age guy behind me and boy, did he want to share him and his wife's review. I snorted my Americano everywhere, then wondered if they had complications acting out scenes and had to come to the ER!!
Hahaha, awkward. I'm just started the third book in the trilogy and I personally think it's got a compelling story line (the kinkery is just a bonus lol). It's not for everyone but I've enjoyed it.

Originally Posted by viccckyhoang /img/forum/go_quote.gif

i also think that threads shouldn't be deleted when opinions are voiced... referring to the bb cream one recently.. it got locked then deleted.. mmmokay...? let the girls have a voice...
Whoa, there was a locked and deleted thread? 

When I have more time again in about a month I'll definitely try to participate more around this place. 

Divadoll is aware of what the owner of the site has said and knows it was removed. I'll partially quote what he said in a PM to her and myself, "If there is any of this type of banter openly written for others to see, it will be deleted."

Divadoll is aware of what the owner of the site has said and knows it was removed. I'll partially quote what he said in a PM to her and myself, "If there is any of this type of banter openly written for others to see, it will be deleted."
Why am I referenced in this? The question was about the BB thread.
Hello Members!  Let's do our very best to keep this thread on topic which was....about staffers posting photos of themselves.  (Which is, by the way, not required to be a staffer).   

I have heard before that some people feel that they would like to remain photo-less of themselves online.  This is really up to the member or staffer. I know one thing...I think you are all beautiful by either what you type and/or y our pretty pictures(if you choose to post one up). 

Originally Posted by GirlyEnthusiast /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I've been a member for over a year now and MUT was very different from when I first joined. I would always check the FOTD's because of Jeanarick, she undeniably made that forum awesome. I don't think every mod should be required to post their face if they don't want to, but perhaps seek out some potential staff members who do want to share looks, tutorials, and FOTD's like Jeanarick. At the end of the day, we all love MUT and just want it to be kept active and interesting :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

This seriously choked me up.  I can't begin to express to you how touched I was to read this.  I've missed being here and I've missed the joyful chatter that was going around the forums once upon a time.  Thank you so much for remembering me so fondly, it really touched my heart.  I feel like many otheres here that Makeup Talk has become a Subscription Box Forum and if that's what the majority of the members want then that's what they should get.  It's just not what interests me and eventually led to me losing interest here.  I can't really speak to why the other forums are so inactive because I haven't been around lately.  But the mods are a very key part of keeping the threads active and engaged.  Here is one of your problems:

Thread Last Post
  Beauty Envy Bag Giveaway ends October 5, 2012
started by internetchick (Today at 10:01 am)
Forum: Coupons, Codes, Promos, Sales, Shopping Tips
Link Mix of full sized and deluxe samples. Givenchy!...
Today at 10:01 am by internetchick
1   Clarisonic Mia giveaway ends October 1, 2012
started by internetchick (Today at 9:59 am)
Forum: Coupons, Codes, Promos, Sales, Shopping Tips
Today at 9:59 am by internetchick
2   FOTD - September 21, 2012
started by jeanarick (Today at 9:52 am)
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Forum: FOTD - Face of the Day
Today at 9:52 am by jeanarick
4   The Goodies Co - gave out email addresses!!!
started by VegasLover75 (Today at 8:53 am)
Forum: Subscription & Sampling Programs
Dear Teresa, We apologize that some users’ email addresses...
Today at 8:53 am by VegasLover75
15   20% off on Beauty Sage, today only! (15% Sat and Sun)
started by Lisa N (Today at 7:38 am)
Forum: Coupons, Codes, Promos, Sales, Shopping Tips
Use code FALL20 today to get 20% off your entire order, or...
Today at 7:38 am by Lisa N
9   15% off Palladio @ Cherry Culture, Exp 9/24
started by Dalylah (Yesterday at 11:58 pm)
Forum: Coupons, Codes, Promos, Sales, Shopping Tips
15% off Palladio items at Cherry Culture. Expires 9/24
Yesterday at 11:58 pm by Dalylah

This is just a SMALL sampling of the unanswered threads in the forums.  There are pages and pages of them.  One of the first thing mods should do when they log onto MuT is to check the unanswered threads and if nothing else at least say "Thanks for posting this" to the original poster.  Other members could also be encouraged to check the unanswered posts tab also.  The thought process that it starts with the mods, in my opinion, is correct.  They set the example and lead the way for other members to follow suit.  Now, all that being said, let's keep things in perspective here.  This is a free forum with VOLUNTEER mods who have real lives and many other more pressing obligations in their lives.  This is for fun and should be a hobby, not a full time job.  You come here, join in the conversation, clean up some spam, post some pics or vids and most importantly, enjoy your time here.  If you do that, then it will shine thru in your posts that you are having a good time and it WILL be infectious.  I'm done rambling now, stepping off the soap box!! :0) LOL

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