Please send his email to the president of the company, unless he is the president of the company. No one should be treated in such a disrespectful manner. If he is the president of the company, maybe an organization such as the Better Business Bureau would like to know how this business treats people. I used to tolerate ridiculous behavior like this and write it off as a one-time thing, but now I don't believe anyone should be treated like this for any reason. This company is in the business of selling products, if they feel they are too good for their consumers, then maybe we consumers should go elsewhere. If you feel comfortable with forwarding the email, I would be curious to see it. Wouldn't it be interesting for all of us to send the company emails with a copy of their own email? Or maybe it should be forwarded to a local television station? I don't know why this behavior makes me so livid, I know they haven't killed anyone or anything, but I think I am just fed up with disrespectful behavior.I sent a message to volcanic earth the other day and I was very nice. I told them we owned a landscape company so I was always in the sun and its very hard on my hands and feet. Low and behold, I get a message full of insults. First he says that he thought I worked barefoot and maybe should.invest in good shoes. The whole msg was typos and bad spelling. He goes on to insinuate that I don't bathe regularly and maybe that's part of my problem. I was completely dumbfounded. He finishes the email off my telling me if I follow all the steps I can have beautiful feet like him lol He was the export manager there. I replied, "Wow, this is the nicest customer service I've ever witnessed . Maybe you should export that d*** out of your butt before responding to any more emails. Haha this guy blatantly for 3 paragraphs. I should have resisted the urge, but we sure got a kick out of it here. I guess he saw my location as Ky and assumed I was just poor white trash. He could have not responded or.said no.