At night, divide your hair run some sort of leave in on the sections, twist into a few bantu knots (or twisted bun- whatever you want to call them), wake up to wavy hair!
Do NOT brush or comb, just lightly run your fingers to give it a little lift but otherwise don't mess with it.
Originally Posted by bebexkhmergrl /img/forum/go_quote.gif Anyone recommend any leave-in conditioners to help recreate this look? Preferably one that's lightweight yet holds down frizz pretty well throughout
the day.
I can never decide which ones to try out.
Virgin, unrefined coconut oil- (make sure it's pure- it will look like Crisco and melts in your hands when you rub it in and will smell like coconuts. If not, then it's not pure, unrefined and virgin. It has been processed at some point.Elasta QP Mango Butter. My all time number 1 fave- but impossible to find around here. Non greasy, isn't WET like a lot of leave ins so your hair only gets moisturized and not wet, and it smells like love!!