Wantable - new quarterly subscription

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Quote: Originally Posted by shutterblog /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I unsubbed after getting two nailpolishes in January.

Glad I did, too. They just touted the amazing Be a Bombshell "One Stick" for the next February box. Ummm. no. Just no.


I didn't want that BaB crap when it came in the Ipsy bag I paid $10 for.  In what world would anyone want that in their $36 Wantable box???!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by biskies /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I didn't want that BaB crap when it came in the Ipsy bag I paid $10 for.  In what world would anyone want that in their $36 Wantable box???!!!

I just laughed at your post - spot on.   I am glad I dropped wantable.

no regrets.

Quote: Originally Posted by biancardi /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I just laughed at your post - spot on.   I am glad I dropped wantable.

no regrets.
I am definitely skipping February now.  I'll likely just cancel.

Dear Wantable:

It's not me, it's you.



Quote: Originally Posted by biancardi /img/forum/go_quote.gif
they had that same glitch in november as well. 
Yikes! Then it's a known problem, not a glitch. Going to go ahead and cancel, as it's too much money for me to risk having more problems. 

Oh, yippee.  Another BaB One Stick.  They must have a ton of those they need to unload before they expire, or something.  I got one from Ipsy last month, then this month I got one from Lip Factory (which I'm finding to be a much better value than Wantable, btw), and now Wantable is sending them out? Oy.  The two that I have gotten have been good colors for me, but they dry my lips out, and the one I got from Lip Factory had black flaky crud on it, which I assume flaked off of the packaging/cover. (I'm hoping that's what it was, because I wiped it off and used it!!)

I've not been very happy with Wantable ever since they changed the value of their boxes a few months ago.  I've been very underwhelmed lately, considering it's still costing me $36 a month.  I'll give them another month, but I may be cancelling soon. :-(

I was thinking about picking up Wantable, but these latest posts don't seem to keen on it.  I currently sub to Starlooks, Ipsy and BB...what do you think is a must have along with that, if not Wantable gals?

Quote: Originally Posted by Dezzie1152 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I was thinking about picking up Wantable, but these latest posts don't seem to keen on it.  I currently sub to Starlooks, Ipsy and BB...what do you think is a must have along with that, if not Wantable gals?
Take $36 and go to Ulta's clearance section, close your eyes, and randomly grab at four or so products from the shelf.  It'll save you having to wait for shipping.   :p /emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Seriously though, I think Glossybox is a better value than Wantable, even if you get some deluxe samples in it, rather than all full-sized products.  I've heard good things about Meme Box (a Korean beauty box), as well as Blush Mystery.  Fit Fab Fun has had some good boxes too, although more expensive than Wantable per box.

I sent my last two boxes back and canceled. I was one of the biggest supporters and was happy with the products but in the last 3 boxes, I've only received 2 Face Stockholm. Everything else was MM, a couple of other misc brands and Girlactik. I think they definitely lost value. I was receiving stockholm, besame, and a couple of other really good brands. I'm done with Wantable. It is no where near the value they had before.

Quote: Originally Posted by Dezzie1152 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I was thinking about picking up Wantable, but these latest posts don't seem to keen on it.  I currently sub to Starlooks, Ipsy and BB...what do you think is a must have along with that, if not Wantable gals?

I cancelled Wantable after a couple of boxes.  I had seen so many of their previous boxes online that looked amazing - but I guess I got in after all the changes started taking effect.  As mentioned, I got two nail polishes in January.  And in two boxes, I ended up with three Starlooks items.  That seems to be a trend with them now - so if you're already getting Starlooks, you're basically getting Wantable minus a polish or lipgloss.

I couldn't agree more with biskies comment above!

Quote: Originally Posted by Dezzie1152 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I was thinking about picking up Wantable, but these latest posts don't seem to keen on it.  I currently sub to Starlooks, Ipsy and BB...what do you think is a must have along with that, if not Wantable gals?
I'm loving Lip Factory! I've only had two boxes so far, but they send out full sized products, and more of them than Wantable.  Cheaper, too.  if Lip Factory had more variations in their boxes, I's cancel my Wantable sub and pick up another Lip Factory, but the variety is not as good.

Quote: Originally Posted by biskies /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Take $36 and go to Ulta's clearance section, close your eyes, and randomly grab at four or so products from the shelf.  It'll save you having to wait for shipping.   :p /emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Seriously though, I think Glossybox is a better value than Wantable, even if you get some deluxe samples in it, rather than all full-sized products.  I've heard good things about Meme Box (a Korean beauty box), as well as Blush Mystery.  Fit Fab Fun has had some good boxes too, although more expensive than Wantable per box.
I just picked up FabFitFun.

Forewarning: You get charged to get on the list for your first box.  I got charged a week ago for the March box.  I emailed and got it clarified that it's just the first time so they are sure they have enough, then you go to sub and won't get charged until the next box is ready.  I was kinda surprised to see it come out.

I also have Ipsy and BB.  I'm looking for another monthly myself.  I am LOVING Ipsy and I've always loved BB.  Yes, I get a dud box every 4-5 months but nobody can possibly love everything about every piece you get - it's a trial for new things.  I went to a yearly with them to save a bit of money and get the points which got me Fabulous perfume (LOVE LOVE) after a BB sample.  I paid $12 for it and Stila.

Also, you can return Wantable boxes 6 months prior.  So you can check what you've gotten and haven't used and if it gives you a credit, send it back!  Save the credit for a few months and see if they get better, otherwise at least you get a gamble.

I just joined Saffron Rouge's inner circle....My first box will be february.  It is an eco-friendly sub - 25.00 monthly.  I am totally excited to get it!

Quote: Originally Posted by biancardi /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I just joined Saffron Rouge's inner circle....My first box will be february.  It is an eco-friendly sub - 25.00 monthly.  I am totally excited to get it!
Saffron Rouge is awesome! It's one of my favorite subs! :)

Quote: Originally Posted by Seola /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Also, you can return Wantable boxes 6 months prior.  So you can check what you've gotten and haven't used and if it gives you a credit, send it back!  Save the credit for a few months and see if they get better, otherwise at least you get a gamble.

I really was only playing about the Wantable bit.  I mean, I won't lie, I think the "value" they assign some of these products is ridiculous.  I also think adding the BaB One Stick is a massive mistake.  I could literally trade a foil packet of Glam Glow and an envelope of bath salts for one right now.  If I look at ten random Pinterest swap boards, I'm basically bound to run into one.  I got one in my Ipsy bag for December and gave it away to my niece.  I will, however, likely get Wantable once I go through my quiz and make sure anything that could possibly be construed as a BaB One Stick is "disliked".   :( /emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I really am digging Starbox though.  I actually like their makeup (especially for the price) and their referral and birthday programs are amazing.  Now that they've introduced their loyalty program, I think it's my dream sub...although now I'm thinking I need to look into Saffron Rouge.

I just retruned my Wantable February box.... they sent me the same exact bronzer stick that they did last month and I'm just overall tired of the brands that seem expensive according to the prices they list, but prove to be just okay when you actually use them.  It makes me sad though because when I signed up with them last year, I was absolutely loving the makeup boxes.  Since they have a great return policy, I'm going to give them another shot for March... if that doesn't work out then I'll probably cancel makeup and try out their accessories.

I'm new to Makeuptalk, and I wish I found it when I started getting Wantable boxes a few months ago. At first the were amazing and I was really happy with them. But then in November I only got three items with 1 item being a Bronzer which I have marked a dislike. I have very fair skin and never use Bronzers. Their response from Customer Service was to just return the box, which surprised me because so many blogs said that Wantable would send replacement items when they made a mistake like that. Plus I was upset to only get 3 things! I wasn't aware then that they were changing their business model. I stayed with them though because before I had received some stuff I really liked. 

This month though they really disappointed me again but sending ANOTHER BRONZER!! I contacted customer service and was told the "Bronzer was actually a "Highlighter" which I have marked as a like on my quiz. This was so annoying because the color of the product was literally called "Bronzed." So I emailed them back and told them that. They said they would make a one time exception and send a replacement so they sent me a Be a Bombshell One Stick, and the color looks like a Bronzer! 

I'm starting to think that the outstanding customer service is geared towards bloggers and the "regular" shopper ends up getting the shaft? Is this anyone else's experience? 

I'm new to Makeuptalk, and I wish I found it when I started getting Wantable boxes a few months ago. At first the were amazing and I was really happy with them. But then in November I only got three items with 1 item being a Bronzer which I have marked a dislike. I have very fair skin and never use Bronzers. Their response from Customer Service was to just return the box, which surprised me because so many blogs said that Wantable would send replacement items when they made a mistake like that. Plus I was upset to only get 3 things! I wasn't aware then that they were changing their business model. I stayed with them though because before I had received some stuff I really liked.  This month though they really disappointed me again but sending ANOTHER BRONZER!! I contacted customer service and was told the "Bronzer was actually a "Highlighter" which I have marked as a like on my quiz. This was so annoying because the color of the product was literally called "Bronzed." So I emailed them back and told them that. They said they would make a one time exception and send a replacement so they sent me a Be a Bombshell One Stick, and the color looks like a Bronzer!  I'm starting to think that the outstanding customer service is geared towards bloggers and the "regular" shopper ends up getting the shaft? Is this anyone else's experience? 
Crazy! Same exact thing happened to me! They sent me this same bronzer stick thing two months in a row! So I canceled the makeup sub and decided to try out the accessories. Got my first accessories box today and I was pretty happy with it. If I get bored eventually then I will try the intimates since that seems to have great reviews. But the makeup was a gradual let down. They have so much potential too, since they let you customize. Oh well. I returned my final makeup box and I was at least grateful for their free return policy, not many boxes do that.
I'm not a blogger - I am just a regular subscriber. I had the exact same experience with the 3 product box, one of which they claimed was a highlighter (Lise Watier Taj Mahal). It violated three of my nevers because it was a loose powder (I said only pressed highlight) a bronzer (which I had unchecked at the time) and worst of all a glitter (which I marked no to on every possible category. I emailed their CS and put pictures of the box that said "glittering" and explained that although the packaging was pretty it was all wrong and was half the value of the box of three items. They said members that subscribed early in the month received 3 product boxes before they changed their wording back to 4-5 products. They apologized and sent me two items - one to replace the "highlighter" and one to make up for the lack of a fourth box item. I have contacted them before and asked if I could get a specific item because it was sold out on the company's website (a beasame lip glaze) and they did give it to me in my next box. I also said that I hated Be a Bombshell products because I felt they devalued the box since they were in every beauty subscription box and I felt they were not nearly the quality of other brands they send. I haven't received one since. I also said I would be overjoyed if my boxes had Manna Kadar, 29 Cosmetics and Besame and my next box included all three. If you consistently offer feedback, especially when they are doing something well or have a brand you love seeing, it helps. Also you can say "I hated these earrings - how can I change my profile to make sure I never get an item like this again?". They will tell you the why behind how they chose that item which I found very helpful. Kayla is the best of their CS in my opinion if you get to deal with her. You can also tweet or facebook them and they respond. Hope that helps you.

@mjreynolds32 I did that for a few items as well, telling them what I wanted, etc, but it got tiring and I felt that I shouldn't have had to do that for them to curate a box properly for me.   I do know the last time I complained, they did get snippy and stated that they would do it as a one time courtesy. 

I just got tired of emailing them over things that they should have not put in my box in the first place!

I'm annoyed with Wantable.  I'd subscribed to the accessories box and they'd e-mail every month letting you know they were preparing your box in case you wanted to change your profile or skip the month.  Well yesterday they sent an email saying thanks for your order. So it was too late to skip or change my profile.  I can't get the box every month for $$ and overstuffed house reasons and I obviously can't remember to skip on my own so I cancelled my subscription totally. Ha!    I would have liked the warning that they would be stopping the preliminary emails. Oh well, hopefully I'll like my last box.. just didn't want to be hassled this month.


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