Quote: Originally Posted by
biancardi /img/forum/
seola, email them. The first box I got was just a total miss. Let them know why you didn't like the products.
I did that and my second box was a hit!! They do keep track of what products you got in the past and what you don't want.
also, you can return the full box to them (even if you used -swatched - the items) on their dime and they will refund you. You can then request another box and they will not send you out those items.
they will also do partial replacements, which is what they did to me.
Well, I waited it out for November and not only did I get MORE crappy Michael Marcus stuff (two in this box) but just four items. Of that, the stated value from Wantable was $70.50. Of this, $44 was the two lip products from Michael Marcus (the aforementioned junk eyeliner than won't even swatch). So the other 2 products were just $26.50. So not only did they drop how much you get, they yet again sent the same brand. In 6 boxes, I have mostly Michael Marcus and Caitlyn products.
Online, I found these items on my own for a mere $59.95, much lower than their $70.50 and doesn't even come close to using new customer discounts or coupon codes, etc. I'm willing to bet I could get all these items with codes for roughly $35.
It started out oh so great, it became a HUGE dud and stopped paying attention to my profile altogether. I'll post pictures soon, but the kicker? Not only does the photo not match my box, but the great intro with all the great things they have for November? I didn't get a single one.
I get returns are "easy" but I shouldn't have to want to return so many products. Nor did I get notified they were going to send even less items when they charged me.
Edited to add: Also doing some research on Michael Marcus, first -
his personal site is atrocious. Looks like Geocities. I can only guess the pricing is arbitrary. His items aren't even in stores, his "celebrities" section - is from a booth he set up as he mostly does makeup shows and I don't even recognize most of them. But none of them are "wearing" his products. I don't like the bait and switch here. So Wantable putting these high priced, low quality items in the box has definitely helped to unsub.