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i'm so not motivated to work

went grocery shopping with my mom, one of my few childhood memories is my little self, weighing the fruits and vegetables and pressing buttons

I got a new dog O_O.

Well my mom got it... but she keeps following me around. Took her to the vets today and got some stuff for her at Petco.

I think she is a westie (or some terrier) mix. For sure she has terrier in her.

i need to return to sleep

i need to wake up in more 4 hours and to work at the blood bank today


i just return from work

im goin to sleep


my dogs are outside and i need to wait until they will come back

Lazy Sunday...watching Highlander and playing some Halo...will be a busy week, so taking it easy while I can.

I second not wanting to go to work!! Where has the weekend gone?!?! Of course, the weekdays usually drag by so slow.....

its 11:31 at night my dogs are out im waiting until till come back

need to return to sleep and wake up at 5


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