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Originally Posted by Gleam84 /img/forum/go_quote.gif In Finland the summer is officially over
Here it's only 15c (60F) during daytime and it's been raining today. same in Austria. I hate it!!! I wanna move in with my fiancé in San Diego like NOW!!!! Bad weather makes me depressed

Originally Posted by Andi /img/forum/go_quote.gif same in Austria. I hate it!!! I wanna move in with my fiancé in San Diego like NOW!!!! Bad weather makes me depressed

I know...I just got back from my trip in the US where I enjoyed sunshine and over 90s temperature everyday. Now that I'm back to Finland where it's fall already, I feel it already makes me depressed...and I'm a person who hates cold weather and snow!
I would have thought weather is not that bad in Austria. You're more south than me anyway.

happy labor day y'all!

it continues to be a bloody hot day here in carson. grr...

happy labourr dayyyy

and i just found out that im finally part of the millenium club!

Originally Posted by Jesskaa /img/forum/go_quote.gif how come everybody has a cool colors for the name and i have to still have purple here??? yeah i wanna know too!!!
Well here in NJ its in the low 80's , sunny and 0% humidity. Its been like that for a few days and it will be for the rest of the week. I layed by the pool for the last 3 days.

not sure about today...I worked inside all day and it was busy.we had a 100k Black Jack Tournament

I'm so my butt kicked at work today...we were busy! Nite all!

My back hurts so bad... I want someone to jump on it or something.

Does anyone have any recs on how to crack ones back besides the whole twisting from side to side?

Originally Posted by Jessica_Ann /img/forum/go_quote.gif yeah i wanna know too!!!
Well here in NJ its in the low 80's , sunny and 0% humidity. Its been like that for a few days and it will be for the rest of the week. I layed by the pool for the last 3 days.

well guys, you're still in the millenium club. but when you get 5000 posts, you get to change the color. i didn't like much the violet too. come on, guys, you'll be there soon, keep on postin' !!
it's 8pm and i'm feeling weird, i don't kow what to eat, i'm not that hungry but i have to eat or i won't sleep well that night.

Just when I thought my work couldnt suck any more... it gets a little brighter.

I get to meet Christina Aguilera and her producer-husband tomorrow!!! YAY!

Originally Posted by Saje /img/forum/go_quote.gif Just when I thought my work couldnt suck any more... it gets a little brighter.
I get to meet Christina Aguilera and her producer-husband tomorrow!!! YAY!

You'll have to tell us all about it.
Good way to get my feet wet so to speak. This is my first post to the forum.

Just a bit cooler today, only 87f. They say this is the last of the really hot days in SW Ohio.
We've heard that before!

Originally Posted by RachaelMarie /img/forum/go_quote.gif You'll have to tell us all about it. We had a lunch meeting with her and I took meeting notes (it was really hard to eat... and I was starving!)
Nothing much really to tell. She was super nice, prettier in person, and funny! She was tiny too and she looked really happy and held her baby bump very lovingly.

Jordan the hubby was pretty quiet at times (since it was really more girly stuff we talked about since it was all designing stuff) but he was hilarious when he did have something to say.

It was hard to pretend not to care that I am staring at someone I adored from the beginning (had to act professional, since I was technically "working") - but since we will be working with them for a good while, I might someday ask for an autograph... maybe say its for my little sister or something.


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