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Wish i was back home Scotland, with the central heating on. Would trade for Florida any day..that's what happens when you have family on both sides of the pond. Miss my Mom.....too far away.

awe thats kinda ruff ,ha?

im just so tired but i dont have the power to get up to my room

hahah know that feeling?

arg. in order to get used to the bus&underground strike starting tomorrow night, i went home walking this afternoon.

i have a headache.

tomorrow i'm going to buy all the stuff i want, in case the strike continues saturday and i so need some stuff right now.

what could i possibly offer a friend who's celebrating her 25th birthday? i was thinking massage oil, could be funny

good luck with that. i need to take my shower, i'm just so lazy.

and why my dream involved my commercial law teacher? thanks to my alarm clock i didn't have time to finish my dream, it's so frustrating !!

Originally Posted by MamaRocks /img/forum/go_quote.gif I had a dream involving sly stalone last night. EW!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha! You opened the can... now you must tell details!


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