Alright...I concede..
Was it the most exciting thing ever?? No. However, I think all of the items are fun (@kgirl42 & @ginmorel I'm also maybe this box was made especially for us?)
~The Can't Cookbook: Beautiful!!! I can't wait to try it out (I love the simple recipes and that I can piece them together to make a killer meal!) ~NYX Makeup: I haven't tried either, but meh, can you ever have enough?? (this is coming from someone with Ipsy, BB, Blush, FFF, Julep, and PS!) If not, there's always gifting

[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> ~Jane Tran Bobbi Pins: Adorable. ~Julep Polishes: I received Char, which I don't have, and my Freedom TopCoat is in need of replacing! ~Gorjana Bracelet: Definitely small and definitely not a statement piece, but perfect for Breast Cancer Awareness. ~Wetbrush: I needed a new brush and this one's hot pink! Smells kinda gross though since it's new. Might spritz it with something it get rid of the plastic stank. ~Crispery Treat: WHAT? This looks AMAZING. Saving it for my cheat day

[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> ~Stitch Fix Card: Didn't realize they were also waving the $20 styling fee so the money is directly applied to chosen apparel. Pretty sweet deal. However, I'm super picky about clothing and how it fits, and after filling out the Stitch Fix account info I'm not convinced I'll end up with something I like until the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th try. I traded it for a card (ridiculous shipping rates, but I loved the CS and the presentation with the packaging was outta sight!)
Looking at everything I received, I can't believe how much was in this box! I guess I'll be extending my subscription for either the 3 or 6 months, even though I'm worried about the upcoming boxes since they looked pretty underwhelming last year (though I'm hopeful that with the price increase they're going to try to knock it out of the park with the November box)...decisions, decisions.