*Spoilers* October 2013 Popsugar Must Have Box

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I just ate most of my rice krispie treat and it seemed more marshmallow-ey than standard. I still like them better homemade (and warm) but it was good! My polish is in char which is a really gorgeous unique color. Nyx liner was in brown luckily, since I don't have any brown liner right now. I gave my bobby pins away already because I am hopeless with them. I am torn about trying Stitch Fix. I tried the wet brush and it's not terribly different from my other brushes, but it did seem more smooth somehow.

Quote: Originally Posted by kgirl42 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I'm actually really excited about this month's box! Maybe it's just a better fit for me because I'm 24 and within the size range for Stitch Fix, but I was thrilled with everything we received. Love the cookbook, and I've been really curious about Stitch Fix, so this gives me incentive to try it out! I'm not doing trades until we've heard from someone who's used more than one Stitch Fix code successfully, but if that turns out to be possible, I have Charm & Chain and Gorjana codes I'd be willing to trade!

As for the variation items, I got the brown eyeliner (actually gifted it to my mom since I don't like liquid eyeliner), and for Julep polish I received Char, which is a really pretty cobalt blue.

And dude... I get that not everyone loves Rice Crispy treats, but to the person a few pages back who said they were a "poor person's treat"... seriously? Just because it's an item you could technically whip up in your kitchen for a couple bucks doesn't mean it's not good enough to include in the PopSugar box. It was the most delicious Rice Crispy treat I've ever had in my life! Bring on the poor people treats! 

I completely agree. I'm also 24 and I'm excited about this box. I just received mine yesterday. I love the cookbook. I'm a big foodie and saw somethings I would want to make. Everything else is pretty practical and will go to use. The stitch fix code I'm not sure I will use because, I have a feeling I'll be hooked and I can buy similar clothing much cheaper at other stores.

The Rice Crispy treat looks amazing. I think I might order more from the company.

I guess this box was more geared toward a younger demographic. We have to remember we won't love every box it's about trying new things and a surprise.

Since when are rice krispy treats "poor people food?" Especially when they come from a nice bakery? It's amusing to me the insults people come up with in these threads for things they don't like.

Quote: Originally Posted by jannie135 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I would rather have dark chocolate brownies. With walnuts. But only the chewy corner pieces... yummmmmm
Well we are a match made in heaven! I love dark chocolate brownies with walnuts...but only the inside pieces! :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by AshJs3 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Since when are rice krispy treats "poor people food?" Especially when they come from a nice bakery? It's amusing to me the insults people come up with in these threads for things they don't like.
I agree. I'm not a big fan of rice krispy treats but this one I can't wait to taste.

Since when are rice krispy treats "poor people food?" Especially when they come from a nice bakery? It's amusing to me the insults people come up with in these threads for things they don't like.
Yeah I'd never think of a dessert as poor people food but I guess people have different backgrounds on here. Looking forward to the rice Krispy treat!
Lmao!!! Makes no sense! How did yours bypass Chicago? Lol. And mine finally updated and is in New Berlin, WI. And it decided to give me an estimated delivery date of Saturday now. Before it didn't have anything... Kinda strange. I think I've decided that I won't think "smart"post is very smart at all...
Thats the worst part, it did stop in Chicago before New Berlin. I work in the city so it was probably right down the street!
Does anyone know the name of the company that makes the Rice Krispy treat? My friend saw a pic and wants to know. I have mine at home



Personally I think the brush is magical lol. I usually use a wide-toothed comb and end up pulling my hair a lot, even after using prep/protect spray. The wet brush just glided through tangles in my long, thick hair like it was no big deal. I was skeptical of the brush at first but I'm loving it now!
This is good to hear. I gave up on brushes for my long thick hair ages ago. The ones that don't get stuck seem to cause a lot of frizz. Hope this one works
Quote: Originally Posted by plumplant /img/forum/go_quote.gif

The crispery I think
Thanks! You ladies are awesome!

I am 42 and have just really started wearing makeup again after a 20 year hiatus. The point is I don't know if I ever tried liquid eyeliner. If I did I sure don't remember how to use it. Anyone have any tips?

Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't like mac n cheese!
Are you even human?

Quote: Originally Posted by Ann Tucci /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Not quite they have their own house brand of clothing and the last item I got from them was from a Canadian designer, not exactly what I see in tjmaxx.

The $20 you pay is applied to anything you buy.

This service, and that's what it is, a service is perfect for those who don't like to shop (I personally hate digging through Marshall's and tjmaxx type stores).

This service also pushes you to try clothing that you might never consider if shopping for yourself. It's like someone picking a box of clothing for you and saying here I thought these would looks good on you, try them and see if you like them!

It's unbelievably fun to try on new styles and types of clothing.

I've personally gotten numerous compliments on my stitch fix items. Not from friends but complete strangers.....while shopping....at the mall!

In fact I wore my stitch fix skirt to my surgery follow up appointment this summer and my surgeon loved my skirt so much she wanted to know where she could purchase it.
Iove that I have one of a kind pieces that I don't see anyone else wearing.

Finally I've paid as little as $3 for an item. Not everything is priced at $60 and above.

Why don't you give it a try before calling it crazy? you might just have a little fun!
Hmmm maybe I will give it a try! So if you only like one item out of the 5 they send you, and it costs $20, you can send back the rest with free shipping and the $20 stylist fee covers the price of the item you keep?

Quote: Originally Posted by caseybean025 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

One thing to add... I think the $20 gets applied to the purchase of what you decide to keep.
Hmmm I didn't know that, that is good to know! Thanks!

Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif
LOL...I just laughed at this because I was about to comment that I love rice krispie treats, but yes, I am a poor person...but...here's a confession: I don't like mac n cheese! And an even worse one: I don't like potatoes! Those two facts always blow people's minds! And I'm not even a super picky eater. Like, I'll eat mac n cheese or potatoes if you give them to me, but it's more a "meh, guess I should put this in my mouth" thing than anything I actually enjoy. haha. I am a terrible poor person! ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Mind is blown! Way to crush all stereotypes, Michaela :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I'm actually not a giant fan of rice krispie treats mainly because I don't care for rice krispies themselves, but my husband adores them. I can't wait to see his happy face when I put that monster in front of him and dare him to eat it in one go 

Now I imagine Marie Antoinette saying, 'let them eat rice krispie treats!' If that's poor people food, then I don't want to be rich! (Which is a good thing, since I'm not.)

I confess I don't like mac and cheese either. I just don't like cheese much in general. (It's ok on pizza, but that's it.) I do still like instant ramen though, which is what I used to eat when I couldn't afford much else. 

My box is out for delivery, two days early!

Quote: Originally Posted by ginmorel /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Does anyone know the name of the company that makes the Rice Krispy treat? My friend saw a pic and wants to know. I have mine at home


The Crispery. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


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