I'm not a fan of Temptalia's swatches. I still look at them, but they are never ever accurate, in my opinion. And I don't even bother to read her reviews any more.
What is the point of a lipstick lasting 6-10 hours and never reapplying? 1- You will never ever use up a tube of lip product before it turns bad if you never reapply and only use it once a day, unless that is the only tube you use.. 2- isn't that part of the fun of makeup and being girly with makeup? Is it really such a dang chore to reapply once or twice (depending on formula)? Maybe I'm just weird, lol.
Ugh, speaking of Musing of a muse blog.. I like her arm swatches, but if she doesn't lift up her dang head in photos for lip swatches, I swear one day I'm going to figure out how to reach through the screen and do it for her! She's got little thin lips, and she "poses" her head so low to get a better/flattering chin angle, and then you can't hardly see the lip color! She did one post last year or early this year, I forget exactly, where she had her head all the way up and her hair down and curly, and she looked so beautiful in it, and the swatches looked fantastic... why she can't do that on a normal basis is beyond my realm of blog loving understanding. Sorry, this just drives me complete bananas. I also take her reviews with a grain of salt. She either has no idea how to apply half the stuff she reviews, or she has severely weird skin or something. Everything people rave about, she finds faults with it--can't see what others do, doesn't get the effect others do, etc etc.. I don't know, I just find her very harsh or silly in a lot of reviews, for various reasons--kind of like others with Temptalia's reviews.
I also like this blog-- mostly sunny blog. I really like her blog. She's got great arm and face swatches, fair reviews, and I've never seen something she swatched that looks way different in real life. I like her attitude too. She isn't all "uppity" or snobby like she is the be all/know all like others already mentioned. Plus, for myself, she's the most accurate for skin tone, so if it looks good on her, it will most likely look good on me, and I've never been let down yet.
Also I like Karen over at makeupandbeautyblog. Her swatches I've found to be pretty accurate and reviews pretty fair. She posts a lot about cats/her cat though, so if you don't like skipping over cat stuff or cats you may not like her blog. She's pretty funny though, I like her silliness.
In other news, I have been waiting on my ebates check to show up. They told me by email on Oct 31st they're mailing my check early and it is on the way.. but it never showed, then my account said they cut the check on the 6th of Nov.. I received it yesterday. Normally my check arrives by the date shown online, which has been between the 11th-15th of each pay month... My account said my check would originally arrive on Nov 11th.
How is getting my check to me on the 10th considered a big enough deal/early enough to warrant an entire email saying it is coming early?? LOL I was just like.. why bother mentioning it is coming early!? Whatever..at least it is here.

[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> And now I got another 142$ to blow on whatever.
I want to buy more from Sephora, but they are taking SO long to process orders right now. I've got an order from Friday morning still not shipped, and one from Saturday afternoon not shipped.. I placed one yesterday that isn't shipped, obviously, and that was the only order placed when they put up the delayed processing warning.
Dang, I sound really ranty in this post, lol. I guess a full tummy of rice puts me in a weird place haha.
Does anybody know for sure if orders are still going through with the discount code tonight? Or if the orders will be honored/not cancelled/get you banned? I haven't braved Facebook enough to look there yet.