@tulippop I'm only a BI too. I just managed to get a code from a lovely MUT VIB/Rogue member who didn't need it.
I'll probably just skip the bag. It's a great freebie, but I don't need to place an extra order just to get it. -say something (I'm giving up on you) plays quietly in the background-
Now I just need to make a list of what I should buy for my friends. My roommate is getting something, and I'd like to pick up something cute for my little and my pseudo little. I would get something for my Sephora friend who always gives me free stuff, but she literally has so much makeup she offloads it onto me so I don't know about that. I'll just have to make her something.
My mom is getting a handmade serving bowl from my ceramics class and a matching coffee mug. Maybe a set of ramekins. My dad is impossible to shop for, so I may just make him a nice mug too. I also have a few vases/flower pots to give to my grandmas and a mug for my grandpa. My brother will be getting a video game, so that's out for this shopping spree.
That's it. I'm making an outline. This is getting so confusing.
(**Also, if we get our Secret Santas soon enough, I'll be shopping for them too.)