One added thing: I never have a problem washing my face in the sink and getting wet, using the konjac sponge or otherwise
[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I'm actually really shocked someone got soaked using the konjac sponge because IME, it's one of the less "messy" products. It should be wet but not drippy wet at all, as in moist. You shouldn't experience any water running down at all.
But girls, this is what i do. I bend in toward the sink, wash, and then to rinse I use a small, clean hand cloth, get it really wet but not dripping, and wipe most of the cleanser off by repeating this process 2-3 times. Then I splash my face leaning over the counter twice just to make sure. I never have water anywhere, not even on my shirt (I used to have to take it off first, but I've perfected this method so much I don't need to any more!)