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It's happened to me twice once with a $10 gift card on a $50 transaction, I got all my money back on my credit card. The second time I had a $20 gift card on a $28 transaction and they refunded everything on a gift card. It might also depend on state laws regarding gift cards.
That's so bizarre! I could see how a bad batch of the black could smell like stale cigarettes, since the nice smelling one has notes of tobacco- but in a sophisticated way (like when you smell loose pipe tobacco-which is spicy and woody and quite different before it is burned, instead of the ashtray smell you described!)Okay ladies, I got 2 of my 3 orders from last week delivered today. I used the Nirvana promo code on each order. Last week I said how much I hate the black version. Turns out, different vials smell differently! Different vials of the same scent, I mean. My first free sample vial of the black smells disgusting. Out of curiosity, I opened one of my promo sample packs, and sprayed the black version on the card. I really liked it. I ended up mixing both black/white on myself and REALLY like it. So, lesson learned, each sample batch is obviously not the same. And not all vials of black smell like smoker's stench/vanilla. So I half way each my words from last week.  And those of you who really liked the black, I bet it smells like my new vial of black, lol. You're not all crazy (not that I said you were in the first place, lol, but you get what I mean)./emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I wonder if the full size bottles smell different too, or if maybe I just got a bad batch for my first sample vial? **hmmmm** I also got both my glam glow eye thingy samples in each order. Supposed to have one with my Ambient blush order coming this week too, so we'll see.
Yeah, I'm rouge too...for all the good that's done me. I think it's time I started spending less at Sephora and more at Ulta and Nordstrom.UGH, that's messed up. I'm so sorry this happened to you guys!! I really wanted the glamglow sample, I ordered a new blush on Friday ($35 order, that's all), received it today with TWO glamglow samples as well as the other two samples I requested, my 100 pt perks and deluxe samples I ordered from the ViceSwap code. I'm a VIB Rouge customer so I don't know if that had anything to do with it, but they shouldn't allow people to request samples if they don't intend to fulfill their order.  It makes me feel bad to know that people are not getting what they ordered and they're giving other people EXTRAS??? Get your act together.  Still, I am really excited to get these samples, and I will definitely use them, they aren't going to disappear into my sample box black hole this time...