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Isn't this funny?  I know it'll never come back but it's on my love list and girl can dream...                             
This is how I feel about the jasmine mirror!
Also, I so, so want to go to JCP to get one of the kits, but my psoriasis is acting up like a fiend. That's not the worst part, the creams take care of that (although it can be embarrassing)- the worst part is the psoriatic arthritis that comes with it, along with the swelling. It isn't fun to feel this way in your 20s!! @FormosaHoney  I don't know what it's like to be you, but I CAN relate <3 Feel better
I have psoriasis too and have ha it since I was a teen. I so feel for you. I'm on methotrexate for it and I'm just always exhausted but it does help with the PA pain.
Quote: Originally Posted by FormosaHoney /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Isn't this funny?  I know it'll never come back but it's on my love list and girl can dream...  

It was only $14?!    This was before I was into makeup but oh how I'd love one of these!

Just went to SiJCP to grab a customize skincare set & my birthday gift. They didn't have two of the things I really wanted for the skincare set-the PTR & the supermud, so I decided to pass for now. And they told me I can't get my birthday gift without a purchase. Maybe that's a new thing? I went into the store to get mine last year & they gave it to me no problem. 

So, kind of a wasted trip! Doing some damage online to make up for it 

And...I went back again today to get another kit. This time I grabbed 3 of the Supermuds, PTR scrub, and truth serum. The sales associate also made me a sample of the new Glam glow hydration mask. 

Hey, all.  Need a clarisonic opinion.  Got the Mia2.  Started with the sensitive head, but then moved to the Deep Cleansing brush cause it didn't seem to be doing much. At first I totally broke out (using the sensitive head), but then that cleared up.  However, I still can't say I see much benefit (was really hoping it would help with my larger pores and prevent blackheads after I use my pore strips but really I have to use the pore strips just as often, so it's like what's the point?).  Anyway, when I was on vacation I didn't bring my Mia and I used OleHenricksen's Pure perfection cream and have to say I think that did wonders for my skin.  So again it leaves my pondering the Clarisonic.  I'm still in my return window.  My sister suggested I upgrade to the Aria.  She thinks anything less won't get the job done.  So I am curious on your thoughts.  Keep the Mia, return the Mia and rely on other products, or exchange it for the Aria?  Thanks!!!!

Went into SiJCP to get one of those skincare sets. They were off to the side, never would have found it if I didn't ask. What was nice was that all the samples were in nice little bins. The SA was super, pointed out that I could get multiples if the same products if I wanted. I ended up with the Josie Maran, ole henriksen, glam glow- one of each, and the PTR. ALl new to me. Wish I knew if I loved any of thes, I'd go back and get more!

Quote: Originally Posted by ohsailor /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Also, I so, so want to go to JCP to get one of the kits, but my psoriasis is acting up like a fiend. That's not the worst part, the creams take care of that (although it can be embarrassing)- the worst part is the psoriatic arthritis that comes with it, along with the swelling. It isn't fun to feel this way in your 20s!! @FormosaHoney I don't know what it's like to be you, but I CAN relate <3 Feel better
I feel for ya!!  20 does bite as a age to have to deal with arhritic symptoms.  That sounds like systemic inflmation caused by the preliminary issue.  Had the disc in C5 and C6 replaced & fused back in 2007 and latest MRI shows that the 'artiface' has shifted - sort of right into my spinal cord.  I've been hoping that the symptoms was a permanant & stationary sort of thing, rather then progressive... but looks like I need to go back in.

Here's the recent MRI, it's just floored me and I ignored it for several days, then the daze lifted and am on the attorney and workman's comp to push things through and yes... returning or selling on eBay my embarassingly impressive stash 
.  Oh I really want to hang on to my like 48 tiny bottles of Sephora OPI nail polish!!!!

I'm taking copious amounts of collagen and hyaluron to keep the disc height at an optimum (that's what the disc is made of and the fluid inside is hyaluron or hylauronic acid) and the funny side effect is that it makes your skin amazing and sorta takes the droopies of aging away.  Am 50 and have always looked 10 years younger most my life but the collegen's sort of boght things back 5 years further and is holding me at an ambiguous mid-30 look.  I think I'll stay there and not age any further. 

It kept the disc height pretty well and the other 2 trouble spots actually look better, but I think something funky's going on at the graft site.  Maybe calcium weakening caused by something?  Don't know.  

@ohSailor do everything you can to keep the inflmation in check.  Keep an eye on your diet (wheat and suger are good thing to limit, they bring on systemic inflmation), maybe googld low inflamatory diet.  Try sour cherry juice (montmorency cherry juice limits COX2 production - google it) with a little honey, maple syrup or stevia for keeping inflmation in check.  The old folks have been drinking it for gout for years now and it tastes great!!

Oh heck, quickly but then you should Google yourself indepth, I don't want to be percieved as carzy shaman type zealot.  Your body produces COX2 when it's in pain and most of the time it's good because it causes inflamation around wound site and speeds recovery.  But with my issue, the COX2 kicked up by the neck pain cause systemic inflamation and just makes it worse cause the then muscles around the disc area swell further pinching in on things.  I get the feeling that many autonomic conditions cause systemic inflmation that doesn't help the issue but rather makes it worse so that's why look into a low-inflmatory diet.  Lots of greens, lemon juice, complex carbs and anthocynine containing food - the sour cherry juice, blueberries, purple yams etc...  

Extensive walking has been difficult and I have to say the MUT board really saved my sanity.  I'll make my way to the courts for cases and put myself in a chair and just swivel the seat to look at prosecutor then the victime and not need to turn neck.  But outside of work, I'd rather put my body in motion as little as possible.  I'm like a car with very aweful suspension or shot shall we say.

Holly COW!  Why is the MRI image out there in the recent image area!??!?!  I thought the spoiler box would keep it contained.  I do apologize, it was not my intent to just put that under everyone's nose and make you loose your meal...

Quote: Originally Posted by TheGlamGal /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Hey, all.  Need a clarisonic opinion.  Got the Mia2.  Started with the sensitive head, but then moved to the Deep Cleansing brush cause it didn't seem to be doing much. At first I totally broke out (using the sensitive head), but then that cleared up.  However, I still can't say I see much benefit (was really hoping it would help with my larger pores and prevent blackheads after I use my pore strips but really I have to use the pore strips just as often, so it's like what's the point?).  Anyway, when I was on vacation I didn't bring my Mia and I used OleHenricksen's Pure perfection cream and have to say I think that did wonders for my skin.  So again it leaves my pondering the Clarisonic.  I'm still in my return window.  My sister suggested I upgrade to the Aria.  She thinks anything less won't get the job done.  So I am curious on your thoughts.  Keep the Mia, return the Mia and rely on other products, or exchange it for the Aria?  Thanks!!!!

Return the Mia.  I saved all my birchbox points to buy one and it made my skin worse and it never got better.  I never had issues with acne on my chin before I used it and now I break out there and sometimes on my neck.  I get little blackheads on my chin :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  Another of my friends had similar issues, we both returned ours.  I know that it works for some people but if you don't really see any benefit from it I would get rid of it, its really over priced imo.  I wish I had never touched those bristles to my face!  I would return it and rely on other products. 

@FormosaHoney I wouldn't worry too much about people being freaked out by MRIs. It can be pretty hard to understand what's going on (even if you are a radiologist, in some cases). It reminds me of my friend showing his grandfather an ultrasound of what would end up being his first great-grandchild. My friend handed him the ultrasound and said, "hey, what do you think this is?" His grandfather said, "I don't know, a hurricane?" He was partially right, but we wouldn't know it for many months. 

Quote: Originally Posted by Antidentite /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Return the Mia.  I saved all my birchbox points to buy one and it made my skin worse and it never got better.  I never had issues with acne on my chin before I used it and now I break out there and sometimes on my neck.  I get little blackheads on my chin :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  Another of my friends had similar issues, we both returned ours.  I know that it works for some people but if you don't really see any benefit from it I would get rid of it, its really over priced imo.  I wish I had never touched those bristles to my face!  I would return it and rely on other products. 
Thanks for the opinion.  I'm not Birchbox subscriber but heard the point system is one of the best.  I subscribe to IPSY because I think I like the actual monthly bag better, but their point system would never add up enough to get something like a Clarisonic!

I saw that photo and thought:  "Oh, aerial view of the coast.  There's a highway going down the middle of the photo, and then over on the left is a beach.  Weird that it's brown, but maybe wildfire season?"  It didn't occur to me that it was something inside a human body.

Holy crap, I was just trying to figure out how to spell "aerial," so I Googled a couple of possible spellings.  Ariel Sharon just passed away today!  I didn't realize he had been in a coma for *eight years*.  My news podcasts will be interesting on Tuesday when I get Monday's shows loaded onto my phone (I'm always a day behind on every daily show I listen to except one).

Quote: Originally Posted by panicked /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  @FormosaHoney I wouldn't worry too much about people being freaked out by MRIs. It can be pretty hard to understand what's going on (even if you are a radiologist, in some cases). It reminds me of my friend showing his grandfather an ultrasound of what would end up being his first great-grandchild. My friend handed him the ultrasound and said, "hey, what do you think this is?" His grandfather said, "I don't know, a hurricane?" He was partially right, but we wouldn't know it for many months. 
Haha, that's hilarious (the sonogram). I agree that the MRI image is not overly disgusting just because it's hard to tell what you are really seeing. When I clicked on it, I just thought that it looked really painful and felt really bad for FormosaHoney, but I didn't feel queasy or regret clicking on it. 

Quote: Originally Posted by FormosaHoney /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  (bumping MRI image down...)   

Oh look how pretty this is!!

These are pretty good  Nails Inc. deals!

The elemental palette is really calling my name! It reminds me of Avatar: The Last Airbender! Plus I love things earthy. Ah, it's just beautiful!

Quote: Originally Posted by JuliaGhostx3 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The elemental palette is really calling my name! It reminds me of Avatar: The Last Airbender! Plus I love things earthy. Ah, it's just beautiful!
It is gorgeous!  I love the textured look of each quadrant.  I'd totally get it if my eyes dug eye shadow.  

Am glad that folks aren't tossing cookies over MRI image, whoosh!  @panicked, @meaganola & @BlackMagicRose, thanks!  Aerial with beach that's hysterical, reminds me of my 10 years in SF, nearly every weekend we'd go into the wine country.   Ahhh... such good times has anyone been to Mustard resturant in Napa?  Hmmm... pulled pork...

So I've got like half a dozen of those Sephora IPad felt sleeves and not sure what to do with them.  Does anyone have any creative ideas?  I was going to send them forth in care pacakge to afar mlitary land but unsure that it's useful or not, does that make sense, do you think anyone in a conflict zone could repurpose one of these for something else?  Thanks!!

P.S.  I LOVE the iPhone sleeves.  I keep cash in pockets for easy access.  So, I use the iPhone sleeve to carry my credit cards, Sephora Rouge, Driver's license and another for business cards.  They are streamlined and easy to work with.  After pulling back the black elastic all the cards slides out into palm, fans out like a pocker hand.  For me best of all, it is super light!  I'm hoarding like 6 of these, thought it'd need to be replaced every once a month.  Have been using this one for 10 months now and it's holding up just fine.

Quote: Originally Posted by Scooby Dynamite /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I just got the elemental energy palette and I like it! Wearing it today 

  Ooohh, do a selfie for us if you are so inclined
SO I figured if you can get all 5 glam glows in the JCP bag it works out to less than half price ($29) and more product! 5 glam glows at .5 oz = 2.5 oz and the glam glow in white is 1.2 oz and the glam glow in black is 1.7 oz for $69.

If I didn't have this nasty cold I'd run right oven


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