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Sephora Active Codes- Codes only thread - Codes, Coupons

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I've been away from this thread for a minute- but am I to understand that I can do my Sephora black Friday stuff online? (did y'all check out their pinterest thingy they attached to the email?) Cause if I don't have to hurt people...I'd rather take that route lol.

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I've been away from this thread for a minute- but am I to understand that I can do my Sephora black Friday stuff online? (did y'all check out their pinterest thingy they attached to the email?) Cause if I don't have to hurt people...I'd rather take that route lol.
yes you can, but they too sell out quickly!

Quote: Originally Posted by mariahk83 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  yes you can, but they too sell out quickly!
Thanks! I plan on being one of those refresh-the-page-constantly freaks with speed-of-light checkout lol (Beats the 1.5 hour drive with a toddler in the snow-mud-weather we have). I might accidentally hit rouge, too bad the program isn't great :/


Yep, I'm shopping online too! I'll be consuming lots of coffee to stay up late on Thursday night. I've already got a few things in my cart that will be purchased as well.

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I've been away from this thread for a minute- but am I to understand that I can do my Sephora black Friday stuff online? (did y'all check out their pinterest thingy they attached to the email?) Cause if I don't have to hurt people...I'd rather take that route lol.
When does black Friday start online on Sephora...I never participated in it till this year any advice

Quote: Originally Posted by mariahk83 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  any news on these $20 Black Friday offers yet?!  I want to know what THOSE are!!
Me too! 

What I think is happening is a disconnect between the CSRs and other groups - either the policy creators or the ones who back-end maintenance the accounts. I've worked with and trained CSRs. Some are great and know everything, including things that were never covered in their training. The legal and process departments unknowingly love these people as they do not create extra work for them. Then there are the CSRs who don't actually understand the information they've been taught or just start saying what they feel should be the policy (or what some other uninformed person passionately told them) without checking to see what the truth is. I've had CSRs I was training and sitting next to them as I heard the entire call give entirely false information to a caller regarding their financial products. When I asked them why they did that, it boiled down to them not immediately knowing the answer and not wanting to take the time to find out. But, oh, they sounded so sincere and confident as they gave that person that very very wrong information. I had to frantically wave signs in their faces to put the person on hold so I could get them to stop creating legal liabilities and accept that we provided informational databases for a reason.  Sephora CSRs could genuinely believe that there is no policy against multiple small orders. Or someone on their floor felt that that was the right thing to do and so the rumour spread. Meanwhile, actual policy practices on the accounts review side could be very different. The only sure way to get a definitive answer is to get a written statement cleared by the Sephora legal department. The CSR's "supervisor" is also not a source to seek. In my experience the "supervisor" is actually a senior CSR with more experience and knowledge than the rest of the CSR pool, that has been granted some extra decision powers that don't go against stated policies.
I have been banned from shopping with online sephora. I'm a vib rouge who placed a handful of small orders along with bigger orders varying between $30 and $90. With the holiday season here pretty much I had placed a lot of orders big and small for my self and to gift to family and friends during this month of November alone. I said sorry and begged sephora to give me the benefit of the doubt that I did not mean any wrong doing. I was not aware of the terms and conditions or at a minimum I wasn't clear on their rules. I wish I had know then I could have tried to group my orders together and limit how many orders I placed. Please tell me I'm not the only vib rouge who has been told they can no longer shop with sephora online. Is there anyone who is in the same boat as me? I have shopped a lot at sephora because I love shopping at sephora online. After spending so much money thier, being a vib rouge I feel like they have just cut me off. I was told I may try later, but to try much later after holidays or even more and they MAY look into it again. I think I'm banned. I think I will just shop elsewhere, where I am treated well and appreciated for spending money there. Sorry for the rant. I'm just so upset
@pinkrosebella , have you tried calling the VIB Rouge hotline? Not sure if you've just been in communication with them via email, but I always find it best to get on the phone. They shouldn't bar you for online shopping, that's crazy! They may have flagged your account for multiple small orders, it seems like some people take advantage of the system (not that I think anyone here on MUT does this), use the promo codes, and then sell the samples/what not on eBay for a profit. 

Your best bet would be calling the VIB specific CS line, calmly explaining your situation, and if that gets you nowhere, ask to speak to a superior. 

I am so sorry you have to deal with this :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I've had nothing but good experiences with their CS, however, I always call and don't email. It's easier for them to dismiss you via email. 

Quote: Originally Posted by pinkrosebella /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I have been banned from shopping with online sephora. I'm a vib rouge who placed a handful of small orders along with bigger orders varying between $30 and $90. With the holiday season here pretty much I had placed a lot of orders big and small for my self and to gift to family and friends during this month of November alone. I said sorry and begged sephora to give me the benefit of the doubt that I did not mean any wrong doing. I was not aware of the terms and conditions or at a minimum I wasn't clear on their rules. I wish I had know then I could have tried to group my orders together and limit how many orders I placed.

Please tell me I'm not the only vib rouge who has been told they can no longer shop with sephora online. Is there anyone who is in the same boat as me?

I have shopped a lot at sephora because I love shopping at sephora online. After spending so much money thier, being a vib rouge I feel like they have just cut me off. I was told I may try later, but to try much later after holidays or even more and they MAY look into it again.

I think I'm banned.

I think I will just shop elsewhere, where I am treated well and appreciated for spending money there.

Sorry for the rant. I'm just so upset
Wow, that is very crazy.... Did they give you specifics of the rules and how much is "too much?"  From what you describe, it doesn't sound like you were severely abusing the program.  It honestly doesn't make any sense that they would want to limit (or prohibit!!) their best customers from shopping online.

If they're going to do stuff like that, they need CLEAR rules regarding what is and what is not allowed.  I agree with @rachelshine, maybe the VIB/Rouge Hotline can give you better answers (although you probably already tried that!)

@rachelshine unfortunately the final person I spoke to was so rude she wouldn't let me speak. She kept trying to cut me off. I tried to explain things calmly from my end I meant no harm. But she said there was nothing else she could do. I agree that the sephora beauty advisors are usually very helpful. Even their supervisors. But it was the final person who spoke with me...I think she was a supervisor..told me any orders I attempt to place from now on will be cancelled. I told her I won't place any more orders because I now know there is an issue on my account. I was calm and just wanted to find out how long should I wait before I can shop online again. She was very vague about it and simply told me wait it out as long as possible...:/ how can a company be so vague. They must not want my money. But seriously I felt deeply hurt. I don't know what to make of it. I was at the point where I was going to slow down on my orders anyway. It was only for the holidays I started placing more orders then usual, thinking about gifts I needed to buy for so and so. I didn't want to miss anyone. I'm just very upset at the moment. Of course my wallets ill be happy. Luckily I was able to purchase all the gifts I wanted for myself and gifts for others for the holidays. I will just pick up some essentials from ulta. This is what I get for being a vib rouge? If I got carried away with my orders and the 'free shipping perk' sephora could have just informed me and given me a chance to show I am a loyal customer.

I have been banned from shopping with online sephora. I'm a vib rouge who placed a handful of small orders along with bigger orders varying between $30 and $90. With the holiday season here pretty much I had placed a lot of orders big and small for my self and to gift to family and friends during this month of November alone. I said sorry and begged sephora to give me the benefit of the doubt that I did not mean any wrong doing. I was not aware of the terms and conditions or at a minimum I wasn't clear on their rules. I wish I had know then I could have tried to group my orders together and limit how many orders I placed. Please tell me I'm not the only vib rouge who has been told they can no longer shop with sephora online. Is there anyone who is in the same boat as me? I have shopped a lot at sephora because I love shopping at sephora online. After spending so much money thier, being a vib rouge I feel like they have just cut me off. I was told I may try later, but to try much later after holidays or even more and they MAY look into it again. I think I'm banned. I think I will just shop elsewhere, where I am treated well and appreciated for spending money there. Sorry for the rant. I'm just so upset
That's crazy. Did you make too many returns? I know a lot of companies won't give the true reason. Maybe you should analyze yourself your shopping history and what have been wrong. If nothing is wrong than I don't understand why they would ban you.
I hope my posts can help others... I'm afraid that their terms and conditions are not clear enough. Free shipping perk needs to be looked at Or they need to set a minimum I am only now seeing no reusing the same promotional code. If that's the case I would rather get a message saying a cannot use that offer anymore then find out my order got cancelled or could get me banned If everything was properly in place I would not have been banned I always follow rules... But if I had known what their boundaries were I would not be in this situation Vib rouge needs to be looked at. Since being a vib rouge of course my orders will increase with the free shipping they had promised. Before being a vib my orders were less.

The reason they gave is I placed too many small orders...but the overall picture is different. I placed big orders too ranging from $30- $90. I said sorry I didn't know that was wrong They don't care I will just shop at the many other beauty stores like ulta etc.

Then what's the point of VIB rouge? The only thing that appeals to me is the free shipping. Apparently they punish you for using it though. Lame. =/ If you don't mind my asking, can you be specific about how many small orders you placed. Ten $5 orders with samples and codes for minis? Just a few $10 orders?

I placed several orders under $5 along with my bigger orders. Some days I would see something small I needed and I was keen to also try out some samples. To be honest I have purchased many full size products after trying their samples!! With the free shipping perk vib rouge members get, I had no idea I was doing anything wrong. They should set a minimum like $20 for example to avoid confusion. I wish I was by still a vib and not vib rouge :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />( totally not worth the confusion and trouble

Quote: Originally Posted by lovelywhim /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Then what's the point of VIB rouge? The only thing that appeals to me is the free shipping. Apparently they punish you for using it though. Lame. =/

If you don't mind my asking, can you be specific about how many small orders you placed. Ten $5 orders with samples and codes for minis? Just a few $10 orders?
I get the feeling that being banned is probably a little more complex then placing too many small orders, there's probably a formula.

Purely for example....Each transaction you make carries a revenue and also profit level.  

Let's assume that as VIB-R member, you are taking advantage of codes and samples and this is the purchasing pattern for say the last 4 months:

You buy 10 X $100 fragrances (or other high profit maring items) and then also make 70 X $1 purchases, it probably won't raise a red flag.  The profit from the 7 X $100 purchases is likely to be $850+ and that profit will offset the costs of sending out the 70 X $1 purchases.  Their picking, packaging and shipping expense is likely to be between $3 to $5 os if you make 70 tiny purchases, its an expense of between $210 to $350.  

On the otherhand, in a polarized scenario if you purchased 10 X $25 beauty products (am assuming that these are lower profit margin items) and then go and pull the trigger on 200 X $1 and return 2 of the $25 purchase, I'm sure the system will single you out as a cost center and give you the boot.  

Why might this make sense?  The only goal that Sephora has is to seperate as much of your money from you as possible and to put it into their pocket.  So booting people off their website would make more sense if their purchasing pattern indidated that they were loosing money, barely breaking-even with a client or if their purchasing pattern was on a consistent downward trojectory.  

Why do I care? !???  I'm one of those that placed 'multiples' of $1 to $5 orders to get the Kag Von D. bags for a good cause.  Bags to got to AFG military female, which I also stuff with other products, donated, purchased (i.e. $5 Soap & Glory hand lotion, $1 Burt's Bees Radiance night cream) and beauty subs.  

When there's a multiple point offer or a good sale, I buy multiples for gifts...  every single time!  Then I remember that I've already got 5 of the Cindy pallettes and 3 of the Sun Safety kit.  So I need to return some stuff because I've got too much... honestly selling them on eBay isn't lucrative. Yes you might make $10 here and there, but living in NY where the cost of living is high, one can't afford to waste time netting $10 here and there.  I've sold 3 to 4 things on eBay and that's because I was too afraid to take them back.  I think I did make $20 to $30 for it, but honestly, the 2+ hours spent on photos and copy writing (am perfectionist), monitoring sales, time spent packaging and then making a trip to the post office...  It's a wash and sort of a negative monetary scenario.  I get paid $30+/hr for contract linguist work and I just spent 4 hours making $30 on eBay?    So, final anallysis?  Am going to try to return some stuff and will bring all coded GWP, such as the Benefit Trio (mascars, high beam and sugar bomb) with me as show of good will.  

I do agree with Pinkrosebella that rather then simingly punative measures, they should have a system in place that allows for a handful and no more of a 'no minimum' code.  I also think that it's Sephora's burden to come up with a small order limiting scheme that carries a positive spin rather then slap on the wrist.

It might not be such a bad thing iif Sephora were to ban me for a few months.  I'm finding my obsession with Sephora a little bizzare when I stand back and look at my product hoarding and purchasing pattern..  But in my defense, it's not a bad vice.  

I'm however like... who is that person? 
