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That's about my list too.My shopping list: Tocca set Tokyomilk set Boscia set Philosophy Purity cleanser and Josie Maran set
I ADORE the Lavanila deodorant...I have the lavender/vanilla scent and it smells divine! It works very well for me, but I'm not one who perspires heavily..Have you tried the Lavanila deodorant? Is it any good?
I really like some of the $10 deals. Think I'll pick up Purity (that's a really good deal), the Josie Maran set and the Kate Somerville Quench. I've been wanting to try it but it's so expensive
I'm central time, and I think I went on at 11pm last year- the pages were so busy that after trying for an hour and a half I gave up. I went back on at 3am and I didn't have a problem placing the order and I got everything I wanted.Do you guys have any idea what time the Black Friday deals start online?
I'm pretty sure it is. I bought last year on Black Friday and it was 12oz.Is it the 12oz as pictured? If yes, that's a great deal!
I really think that is the same size they gave away with a vib code and primer samples. Good as a freebie but I was surprised to see it sold at that price. That being said I have so many lip products I doubt I'll finish and it will make a fantastic travel red, but still, I can imagine your frustration.So I purchased the Hourglass Opaque Rouge Liquid Lipstick that they had featured at the bottom of the page last week....Did anyone else get this? I know it is a mini, but wow it is the tiniest little thing I have ever seen!!!!!!! It is definitely the smallest mini I have ever seen.....I want to return it so so badly, but I have been trying to find a good blue-based red lipstick and the reviews on this are so good...So I am going to try it before I decide if I am going to exchange it....  Also, at my local Sephora IJCP, by the register they have a little bucket of minis for $5 each...Well in there they had a GlamGlow sample that is twice the size of the one they offered for 100 points!!!! So I spent $100 to get a $2.50 sample...My Sephora lets me exchange point perks...I was half tempted to return it and buy the bigger one...