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I HATE SEPHORA!!!! They're making me broke lol 

But I'm going to look so pretty... 

Order #2

Order #1 (placed Thursday)

Got the Ambient Lighting palette!  I passed on the NARS Guy Bourdin palette for ethical reasons, so this will quiet my desire until next year!  I want NARS to create a Grace Coddington collection; wouldn't that be amazing?

Quote: Originally Posted by coffeecardigan /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Got the Ambient Lighting palette!  I passed on the NARS Guy Bourdin palette for ethical reasons, so this will quiet my desire until next year!  I want NARS to create a Grace Coddington collection; wouldn't that be amazing?
That would be amazing! I would love someone to create a collection around Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, and/or Vivien Leigh. 

Y'all have enabled me. I just placed my first Sephora order. I don't have a Sephora within 80 miles, but I do have an Ulta an hour away...yeah, they get a lot of my money. I pichrd up the OCC lip tar mini set and a refill of BM foundation as I'm almost out :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

[@]lioness90[/@] it's taking some patience and will power to not just order FAB stuff from sephora when there's a 40% off FAB coupon out there! I'll definitely have to check that set out though.

Quote: Originally Posted by lioness90 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  That would be amazing! I would love someone to create a collection around Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, and/or Vivien Leigh. 

Yes, someone with CLASS.  I especially like your Vivien Leigh suggestion; a little more obscure with a great mix of sexy and timeless.

Other suggestions: Judy Garland, Mae West, Tippi Hedren, Irene (the costume designer), Ginger Rogers... I'd be all over those.

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

@lioness90 it's taking some patience and will power to not just order FAB stuff from sephora when there's a 40% off FAB coupon out there! I'll definitely have to check that set out though.
There's a 40% off FAB coupon!!!?

Quote: Originally Posted by coffeecardigan /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Yes, someone with CLASS.  I especially like your Vivien Leigh suggestion; a little more obscure with a great mix of sexy and timeless.

Other suggestions: Judy Garland, Mae West, Tippi Hedren, Irene (the costume designer), Ginger Rogers... I'd be all over those.
YES! 100%! I would hoard those collections!

Quote: Originally Posted by LuckyMoon /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Just saw the Blitz bag Holly Jolly Nourishment is out of stock.
NOOOO!!! That's the only one I wanted! Was waiting for some better 100 points perks to come back before I ordered. SO SAD.

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

@lioness90 I PMd you!
Thanks! I'm kicking myself for placing that order! I subscribe to FAB newsletters but I used an email address that I don't usually check. *facepalm*

what FAB products do you guys recommend?
The Ultra Repair Cream saved my hands and scaley legs last winter. The Ultra Repair Concentrate was my SAVIOR when my face got all these weird try patches after using the Tarte BB primer and the PTR CC cream.
Just came back from local Sephora (if any of you are in Scottsdale/Phoenix) and they have the HG palette & tons of Nars blush palettes too. I just picked up the 4 piece Bite mini & a mini dry shampoo that I didn't want to pay shipping for. Also got a small bag of samples (tho I could have lied and said I was VIB-R for better ones :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />). 

I think I'm done with the sale for now though. I've spent about ~$170 and need to reeeeel it in a bit. Also signed up for Starlooks (mostly for the December 15 shadow palette & my birthday box) so I think I'm gonna have to be no buy for  AWHILE hah :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I need to spend less than $50 to become a VIB, I need this! It could possibly be necessary to my existence. You guys know what I mean. Anyway, I am going to wait for a few more weeks to see if anything else goes on clearance or in case they add any new sets. @rachelshine, do you think you could do swatches of the bite set because I keep hearing that the colors are different from what they look like online and my swatch search has been inconclusive. Thank you very much!

@KellyKaye , I am super happy with the purchase! Here's some quick swatches on my lips: 

Cranberry - beautiful red. pigmented and goes on smooth 

Quince - in person, looks wayyy pinker and not at all like cranberry, shows up more red in my picture for some reason. still a great color. 

Madeira - The nude. Meh, this was the one I was least excited for TBH. It looks far better in this person than it does in real life I think. Maybe it's just this lightening that it looks ok. In artificial lighting, I look sightly sick lol. I'll probably mix it with others or give it away/trade if someone is dying for it. 

Rhubarb - A prettttty pinky/purple color. Darker and not as red IRL. My second favorite after cranberry. 

Adorable box they came in with a full mirror! Slightly bigger than an altoid tin. 

Swatch on hand - cranberry, quince, rhubarb, madeira 

They are all smooth and creamy. Very easy to apply and only need to go over the lips like 1x for full coverage. I adore them and am happy I picked them up!

[@]saku[/@] Here's swatches of Comex platinum, kitten, comex gold, comex copper, and metallic merlot. If you have ??s about another shade and see this in time just LMK ! I've been walking around the store and these swatches are SUPER messy!

[@]saku[/@] Here's swatches of Comex platinum, kitten, comex gold, comex copper, and metallic merlot. If you have ??s about another shade and see this in time just LMK ! I've been walking around the store and these swatches are SUPER messy!
Whoa! Those are gorgeous! I might need some of these in my life!
@usofjessamerica is the last one vintage black gold?? I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! 
 did you use a primer underneath it? how is the texture? (i mean, is it gritty? etc..) does it feel like it's 'stuck' once applied, or is it falling out?? THANKS!!


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