I haven't heard of sea salt spray but what about sugar water?
1 tablespoon sugar
1 cup hot purified water
1 tablespoon vodka (optional)
3-5 drops essential oil of your choice (optional)
Dissolve the sugar in the hot water. Stir thoroughly to dissolve, then add the vodka and essential oil. Any leftovers should be stored in a cool, dry place and used within one week.
For setting and molding: Work this solution through damp hair for firm hold.
As a hair spray: Put the liquid in a bottle with a meriting mechanism or in an atomizer. You will have to rinse the nozzle under hot water after each use to avoid clogs. Lightly mist your hair. When used on dry hair, this spray can be wet. Don’t run your fingers or a brush through your hair until the sugar solution dries.
To thicken: Dissolve the 1 tablespoon of sugar in 6 tablespoons of hot water for a solution with more thickening power. Punkers, take note: You can sculpt your hair into amazing shapes if you use enough sugar in this formula!
Yield: 5-10 applications, depending on type of usage.
Note - I'd leave the vodka out as I'd think that it would just dry hair out
Sweet Hair Spray Formula | Care2 Healthy & Green Living