So since she decided to threaten me with legal nonsense I decided to check out her actual website since I hadn't done that yet. I read on her site that she uses SSL encryption however the add-on I use which detects if a site does use it or not shows that her site does NOT have any type of encryption.
Just to show it's her site I screencapped her About on Facebook.
So poking around her site I see one of the pictures she has on it has a watermark on it that says
Colourbox which is a royalty-free website. Why use a free image with a watermark if you're in business to sell products? I've used royalty-free images myself but it's really tacky to use ones with watermarks on it when you're a business. Reading their FAQs page I don't think she has a license from them to use their images which is why the image she has on her site has the watermark. IF she had a license to download and use the image then there is no watermark on it.
How can I use the material? As long as you have an active license, you can use the stock material worldwide for any purpose you like, with these exceptions: selling or giving material to others (unless they are used as part of creative or editorial work you make for them) and on products for resale, including giving others the material either separately or as part of products, such as postcards, calendars, posters, wallpaper, artwork, screen savers, templates, and other items.
I see a Colourbox watermark on the preview images. Will the watermark still be on my downloaded images? No. It will disappear when you download the image. The reason we use watermarks on thumbnails is in order to ensure that suppliers are reimbursed for use of their work.
On different sections of her site she has other images with different watermarks. These ones are from
Shutterstock which like Colourbox above is a royalty-free website HOWEVER
to use their images you have to purchase a
I've contacted Colourbx and Shutterstock to clarify if it's okay to use their images on a business site so long as their watermark remains intact or if a company/business must purchase a license in order to use their images. If it's the latter then I can't help but feel that Ms. "I'm a Legal Student and I have a lawyer" should have had her so-called lawyer give her better advice on NOT using images that don't belong to her without permission or without a license.
So, after noticing she doesn't have SSL on her site and she's using images with watermarks I decided to check her domain name and sure enough her private information is listed and confirms the info she ranted to someone else about not being poor. So she gave me the name of her attorney and they appear to be in Raleigh, North Carolina while the address is listed in Florida which is roughly almost 700 miles away. Why would anyone have an attorney almost 700 miles away?
So looking into the attorney's info according to their website they specialize in:
Select a
Practice Area to learn more.
- Criminal Defense
- Divorce and Family Law
- Education Law
- Election Law and Redistricting
- Litigation
If this is the same attorney office giving her information on setting up a business then she needs a new attorney.
So looking into her Facebook profile that she has linked from her Red Carpet Box page you can see her college. She ranted to me in a Facebook message she goes to a private law school. So Miss "I know the law because I am a law major" actually is a PRE-law student and to me she's not a true law student as in actually in law school. If you look at her Facebook about you'll see the name of her college, I would have been impressed had I seen Yale Law School, Harvard Law School or any reputable law schools there instead. I applaud her that she's going to college but I think it's absolutely shady that she attempts to pass herself off as a law student or law major when she's not in law school. I wish her all the best in taking the LSATs when it comes time since she's a very busy person for being a mom of six, being in college taking law classes and studying for those LSATs AND running this Red Carpet Box, um, business.
Curious isn't it?
Edit: I did get a response from Colourbox.
Thanks for your question. You are not allowed to use a Colourbox image (with or without the watermark) without a license. When an image has been purchased and downloaded correctly, the watermark will disappear.
Conclusion: She does not have a license nor the right to use their images since it was not downloaded correctly.