Originally Posted by EmGee /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Quote: Originally Posted by aandreasen63 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thats what sucks about start up companies. You can't trust anything anymore ):
I've been screwed over by sub box companies that were NOT startups, so you never know.
Glossybox in Dec 2012 sent everyone in their Canadian box expired items.
Then lied about who the box sponsors were, saying Revlon was a sponsor, when I actually was told on Revlon's facebook they never dealt w Glossybox or supplied the items.
Revlon also just sent me a letter confirming this 2 weeks ago, so I have actual written proof and will post that up soon.
Glymm box who was around almost 2 years stole $150 from me and went under while still charging peoples credit cards the day before?
Please say you were able to the get the $150 back!