Yes, buying counterfeit trademarked goods is a felony because not only of the trademark infringement but because MOST of the items pass through the hands of organized crime at some point in the distribution chain and THEY profit. So a fake Louis Vuitton purse buys drugs, supports prostitution or other illegal activities, most of which harm women the most.
I've been wondering if the FAKE MAC and other high end items ( if she sells any other counterfeit higher end cosmetics) are wanted by her customers to RESELL at a high markup on perhaps eBay or a less- regulated auction site? I don't know if she sells products with actual discontinued MAC names and almost the same colors, or if the items are way off in texture, pigment, smell and for lip products, taste. ( kind of makes me want to barf thinking about this).
People who knowingly engage in FRAUD which is undetectable ( no one knows what brand eye shadow as said above) do it for one purpose-- Financial gain. Patty does, and I suspect her customers are doing the same thing. I also suspect that when they have bought " a certain level" of products from her, say $500, she "offers" to sell them and "only them "- exclusive, you know, ha ha- her fake MAC/ Chanel/ Dior ( whoever) distributor master lists so THEY can get in on the dole. This used to happen on eBay with designer handbags. People sold master lists of Asian sites to buy fake Prada, Gucci, Vuitton-- I've seen lists for every brand of designer purse I love and own except Hermes. ( No offense meant but most of the fake things are manufactured in Asia because of the cheap labor.)