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Originally Posted by kawaiimeows /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I really hope they see this discussion and rethink their policies. Word of mouth can be the best/worst form of advertisement, ESPECIALLY in the beauty community. I mean look what word of mouth in the internet age did for Zoya with their new year promo? That's how I was introduced to them last year.
Word of mouth and online reviews can build or crush a company. Granted they are a massive company but we sure can put a dent in their wallet.

Originally Posted by LAtPoly /img/forum/go_quote.gif

That is disappointing, but starting my own business - I can somewhat understand their concerns but I can also see why you're hurt/upset.  While your issues and returns were legit, there are always those few that ruin it for the rest of us.  It sounds like whatever system they use to flag "high-risk" customers flagged you... 
Sure, I can see your point. I'm sure SOMEONE out there has tried to say something wasn't in their order in an attempt to get another for free. BUT, I guess I feel that any mistake could happen once. I mean, if I called a SECOND time saying again the same thing (something was marked as shipped but it wasn't in the box) now that would be fishy, right?

The reason I phoned to place the order was because, as it turned out, they won't let you put a coupon code on something that is not in stock. I wanted to get the Lorac Pro palette for my friend for Xmas, all the better if I could get it 20% off! But it wasn't in stock, I said I didn't mind waiting and the rep was nice enough to put the order in for me with the discount. When I calculated the total after I got off the phone, I found out he actually gave me 25% off! Seriously, I was thrilled! My point is, the palette wasn't in stock but the order was pushed through anyway. This might have something to do with the resulting mix up.  Just a few days after I placed the order I got an email saying it was shipped, I thought wow, that was quick! But when the box arrived it only had the one item, no pro palette, so I called and told them it wasn't in the box and they got it out to me a few days later. Everything was good, no problem until I tried to place an order a week ago. I checked out and chose a credit card I had on file on the site, well it must have been expired or something because I got an email saying the payment didn't work so I logged back on and changed the card.  The next day I got the messages that I posted here. What pisses me off is that no one bothered to call me and tell me there was a problem or at least let me know what I had done wrong. Its possible that there was an easy explanation for whatever "flagged" me. The patronizing B.S. they wrote in the messages is vague, upsetting and insulting.

What they did to you is ridiculous and stupid, yes they can deny service to people. But that's just stupid! I will never buy from them or post links to their site on my blog! That's horrible and pisses me off SO much even if it didn't happen to me.

I won't be ordering from them, either. I looked on their website and one of the first things I saw on their banner is, "Easy Returns"....hahahahaha.

What an ultimate FAIL to do such a thing...

i placed a large order with them across both sites a few months ago because they have a long list of cruelty free items that are hard to find where i live. they dropped everything into one box without packing materials so the bottles of dish soap smashed the eye shadow palettes. i emailed customer service and never got a response. the palettes were Wet & Wild, so only $3.99 and not worth the time and effort for me. i let it drop but wouldn't shop there again. and now that i've read about this BS, there's no way.

You should seriously contact the Better Business Bureau, because that makes absolutely no sense. I can see if you were returning thousands of dollars worth of stuff, but this is excessive. Know anyone who works for the site that you might have pissed off? That's the only logical explanation.
