Boyfriend wants to be a masseur!! forums

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i know its hard sweetie, but you dont want your past to dictate your future. those other guys might have been asholes, but if your current bf hasnt, then he desreves a chance, and a fresh page without you judging him based on other peoples actions. just keep in mind that he is a different person, so you dont need to fear the old.

Well you are the only one who knows what's in his heart and what his principles are. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Trust him a little bit and I say, don't ignore your 'sixth sense' ehehe. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

If he's probably always wanted to do it, it's most likely just something he wants to do for it's own sake. I'm sure it has nothing to do with massaging women. Besides. I'm sure he'll have his hands on just as many men!!!:clap

I agree. Do you have any reason not to trust him? If you say you're getting married, then you probably trust him a great deal. My fiance and I have had trust issues and I refused to get engaged until we worked through them. It was the best decision I'd ever made.

Have you been watching too much Sex and the City? :icon_smil sorry, that wasn't funny.

I think he sees it as a job, just like any other job, he will have to massage men too, so do not worry!!! Isn't there a rule about being professional, otherwise your job is in jeopardy i think. If he really wants to be one I'd let him (free massages for me, hell yess!!!). :icon_chee But do go with your intuition.

Yeah, I agree with everyone else, if he's going to cheat, he's going to cheat regardless if he's a message therapist or not. You should just be there for him and support his dream. Let go of all those negative thoughts in your head and think on the brighter side with positive, happy thoughts. He's with you because he loves you, so trust him and support his dream because he's supporting yours....right ???
He was straight up w/ you in the beginning about wanting to be a masseur, so I think it'd be a bit tough to say to him now that you disagree w/ his choice. Its a good job, one that can well support a family. And, I agree w/ everyone else, if he's going to cheat, doesn't matter what/where he is, he'll do it anyway.


BTW the massage therapist I had that was know whating everybody..eventually lost his license..and livelihood!!..over this issue..the fact is, at least in Calif., it is a highly regulated business with little tolerance for hanky panky. I also agree with everybody else that if a man wants to find a woman, they are is by no means job connected.

LOL I also knew a guy who wanted to go into massage, but quit after he found out that the majority of his clients would be geriatric males!!! Not that he wanted to mac on's just that when reality stepped in..

It's good to know its a high regulated business in Cali because that is where he wants to go once he finishes school! Thanks for all the advice girls! Now I feel much better! :icon_love

I used to massage. It's excellent money. I had all men clients. I don't want to rub my hands all over women, personally. You want him to massage men?

I think you should trust me. He would've seen so many legs, it won't even faze him after awhile. Just think of the money. Also, get some techniques from him, so when he comes home, you can massage him!!! :icon_redf

i know how u feel and i dont blame you..but, the way i think of it is...if a man wants to cheat,let him cheat. KARMAS A B****! :icon_twis loll ok..neway i doubt your guy has intentions of cheating. whod pay all that $ to go to school to cheat? im sure this is sumthing hes wanted to do and has had it on his mind for a while...he wants to do it for himself. support him ...wouldnt u want his support if it was you?

Try not to worry sweetie. Your man is only doing something that interests him and just think of the benefits! He can practise his massage technicques on you!

I left my ex boyfriend, years ago, because he wanted to be a masseur....i know how uncomfortable it is, even just him laying his eyes on another woman, since i was thinking of marriage also...It's not something you have to put up with and if it's uncomfortable, and if he doesnt agree that his hands only belong on YOUR body i would give him up....for me it wasnt just the thought of anything sexual going on it was just him touching another woman and i was going to be married to him....a relationship should be based on trust and honesty, if either of those are questionable i would question the relationship? I found out my ex married a girl he met while giving a massage......cute girl, great body.....i know what would have happened and we would have broken up if i had stayed with him anyway....i know exactly what you're going through and i hope your boyfriend cares enough to work with you.

I'm surprised this is still open for comments.
I wonder what happened with you two.

I think this could be very difficult for you, even if he's completely trustworthy, and never does anything wrong.

I started off with not giving that part of MT a single thought when I met my boyfriend.
And now, I don't know if I can stay with him, because while 90% is probably totally uninteresting, it's the few women he does bond with that drive me insane.
I regret being in the relationship for this reason.
He works at his private home office, and no other people are around. It makes me feel very uncomfortable and unsafe.

But... BUT! I've been cheated or betrayed in all my prior relationships in some ways. Also, full disclosure: if I were doing that job, I could be tempted. Of course the control of my decisions is in my mind and body, and that ends any chance to cheat. But why put myself at any risk to?

I'm not proud of myself for any part of this. But this is the truth. And if I were starting over, I probably would have chosen not to explore a relationship with a massage therapist, who by the way did flirt with women in front of me at dances, believing it's a normal part of dancing.

If he were very conservative in behavior, that would help me.

My boyfriend is retiring soon. That's the only reason I'm able to handle it.
And it really is all about my issues with trust and human, especially male nature.
But it's extremely unhealthy for me. I'm unable to cope.

I hope you did better than that, and that you two are happily coupled to this day.

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