I WISH!!! (and I hope someone else receives theirs earlier than me hahaha)Woohoo!! So happy/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
I don't care when it ships as long as it gets to me! Yeah!
Omg @@ikecarus you'll probably get yours tomorrow!
I ordered way in the beginning of Oct (they subscriptions lasted a long time after I first ordered) and I was charged as well, but mine didn't ship. I'm fine w/ it as long as it gets here within the first few shipments. I'm sure there is a lot involved with logistics of which we aren't aware. Also, I'm east coast so it will take forever to get here. I'm just happy to have the box. Loved the last 2.I'm actually really mad because it looks like mine JUST SHIPPED TODAY even though I was charged Friday. I understand they charge when they start shipping, not necessarily when your own box ships, but this is 5 days later, and I WAS one of the first people to sign up (or at least, I'm confident I was in the first half at an absolute minimum). For me personally, this is not okay.
The box had better knock my socks off.
I'm unfortunately also East Coast.I ordered way in the beginning of Oct (they subscriptions lasted a long time after I first ordered) and I was charged as well, but mine didn't ship. I'm fine w/ it as long as it gets here within the first few shipments. I'm sure there is a lot involved with logistics of which we aren't aware. Also, I'm east coast so it will take forever to get here. I'm just happy to have the box. Loved the last 2.
All good. You're going to have an AWESOME box in a few days… so that will negate any cranky feelings that you may now haveWith that said I'm in a cranky mood anyway today, so take this with a grain of salt.
Hooray!! Spoilers tonight!!I also just got the shipping update and when I clicked on tracking is said DELIVERED!! It must be waiting on my doorstep right now. Wahoo!
OMG!!!!!!!I also just got the shipping update and when I clicked on tracking is said DELIVERED!! It must be waiting on my doorstep right now. Wahoo!