POPSUGAR Must Have February 2013 Box

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Originally Posted by Lisa Marie /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yes! They gave me that...ummm... baggy "loaded diaper" look? (Sorry LOL) Yuck! I decided to email them about it because I'm short and I wear a petite or a short in just about everything. I received the copy/paste response like everyone else (use your coupon for something more your size...)
AHhh I totally have this problem too! I am short/petite too and its really hard to find a nice fitting thong (I usually end up in teen stores but the quality just isn't the same :( /emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> ). I've wanted to try HP for many years but thought they only came in "one size" until I started reading this thread and found out they made petite sizes. I was SOOO excited and ordered one last week (with the $10 off email signup and free Zoya polish code someone posted). I LOVE IT.

Oh and not a PS subscriber but I always look forward to seeing what everyone gets :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Originally Posted by SiriusDreamer /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Haha, I thought I was the only one who goes nuts for the mailman!  I love getting surprises in the mail!
Y'know who goes *crazy* for the mailman in my apartment?  My cats!  They will sit in the window and just *wait* for the mailman.  I've actually watched one particular mailman (the cute Korean dude in his late 20s.  As a side note, mail carriers in this area apparently dig pith helmets because he's usually wearing one, and so do most of the others I've seen in various parts of town) come up the stairs to my apartment and keep a careful eye on the black kitty sitting on the windowsill on the inside-the-apartment side of the glass, like Edgar is going to jump through the window and *attack* through the window.  Ed was about nine months old at the time, probably weighed eight pounds, and to this day is just *amazed* at the world outside (my critters are indoor-only, but I have a big window overlooking a very busy sidewalk and street, plus there are a bunch of trees that attract birds right next to my apartment, *plus* the neighbors with, like, three dogs that need to go for walks throughout the day, so there's always a *lot* of stuff for them to look at).  He's about as scary as a cotton ball, if a cotton ball could try to exfoliate you with its tongue while trying to deafen you by purring (he's also the developmentally delayed kitty who can't meow and instead kind of chirps and trills).  It was just adorable to see the mailman keep a careful eye on him like he was a 150-pound mastiff pacing behind a flimsy fence.

I, on the other hand, am usually embarrassed at the number of boxes that they bring!  I feel like it looks like I'm a compulsive online shopper, but they're pretty much all subscription boxes.  Place one order, and then the boxes just show up month after month after month!

I'm still coming over to cat nap your cat meaganola. I love cats that make funny sounds instead of meows. It just catches my heart.

I'm always amazed at your cat stories. It'll help me convince a future spouse to invest in a kitty when I grow up. :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Originally Posted by zadidoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm still coming over to cat nap your cat meaganola. I love cats that make funny sounds instead of meows. It just catches my heart.
I have an 8 month old kitten and a 3 year old Bengal (rescued). They both chirp and trill, the Bengal especially - he has a huuuuge vocal range. I'm really hoping my little guy (Stormy) doesn't grow out of it. He makes the sweetest trill when I walk in the door, always makes me feel loved.  

Hopefully this pic won't get me yelled at:) Stormy's about 5 months here and has grown a ton since!  

Originally Posted by Dayo Steph /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I have an 8 month old kitten and a 3 year old Bengal (rescued). They both chirp and trill, the Bengal especially - he has a huuuuge vocal range. I'm really hoping my little guy (Stormy) doesn't grow out of it. He makes the sweetest trill when I walk in the door, always makes me feel loved.  

Hopefully this pic won't get me yelled at:) Stormy's about 5 months here and has grown a ton since!  
Why would you get yelled at? They are cute! My husband and I have two rescues, Mrs. Kitty, who is a main coon, and Pip who is a mixed bag. Mrs. Kitty will only respond to that so that's why we call her that. a few summers ago we were helping my husbands grandmother move some stuff around and we heard this LOUD crying noise. We found out that the neighbor from two houses down had a cat stuck in the garage... If anyone knows ANYTHING about Texas, it's that the last place you want to be is trapped in a garage in 100+ weather, especially if you are a furry main coon. We called the owners who came back and opened the garage and Mrs. Kitty darted out, hot, scared, and hungry. We posted signs for her around the neighborhood, but no one claimed her, so we kept her. :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> She loves us both, but has her own special sleeping spot next to my husband. Every night she climbs up next to him and rests her head next to his. It. Is. So. Cute. She also makes this weird noise when she runs. (we call it the Jetsen after the spacecraft zoom noise from the tv show) Pip is just as funny, my husband says she looks like a pacman frog because she has a little head and little feet but a large body haha. I love them both :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Originally Posted by Dayo Steph /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I have an 8 month old kitten and a 3 year old Bengal (rescued). They both chirp and trill, the Bengal especially - he has a huuuuge vocal range. I'm really hoping my little guy (Stormy) doesn't grow out of it. He makes the sweetest trill when I walk in the door, always makes me feel loved.  

Hopefully this pic won't get me yelled at:) Stormy's about 5 months here and has grown a ton since!  
Aw I'm a total cat lover too and your furbabies are adorable! :D /emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Since we're posting cats, here's my Malish, a 5-year old Siberian who makes the funniest "triple-purr" sounds.


If we're posting cats lol. This is my baby when she was a kitten! She is full grown now but I don't have any pics on my work computer lol. She makes the most adorable noises and still does a lot more than meowing. To cats! 

Yay for kitties! I wasn't sure if I was going too far off topic. I love the pics of your baby, Playedinloops, and the squishyface of Malisha totally made me squee.  Your kitties sound soo cute too, tdero! What would we do without our little troublemakers!

Awww, I love seeing all the furbabies :)  I get excited everyday for the mail, and like Meaganola, I also get a little embarrassed at the amount of packages I get mid-month. But I have gotten so much out of the experience of getting the sub boxes, and it really does feel like I am doing something nice, just for me.

Originally Posted by kitnmitns /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Awww, I love seeing all the furbabies :)  I get excited everyday for the mail, and like Meaganola, I also get a little embarrassed at the amount of packages I get mid-month. But I have gotten so much out of the experience of getting the sub boxes, and it really does feel like I am doing something nice, just for me.
Tell me about it, this month I went on a 10-day vacation to Florida mid month right when all of my boxes were supposed to arrive and came back to this. I bet my mailman and the neighbors thought I was nuts... 

Originally Posted by OiiO /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Tell me about it, this month I went on a 10-day vacation to Florida mid month right when all of my boxes were supposed to arrive and came back to this. I bet my mailman and the neighbors thought I was nuts... 

Wow! What subscriptions do you have?  March is going to be my boxapalooza, most of my first subs will be arriving while i'm on vacation too, but it won't look that good:)

Originally Posted by OiiO /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Tell me about it, this month I went on a 10-day vacation to Florida mid month right when all of my boxes were supposed to arrive and came back to this. I bet my mailman and the neighbors thought I was nuts... 

Wow...better than Christmas!

Originally Posted by Dayo Steph /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Wow! What subscriptions do you have?  March is going to be my boxapalooza, most of my first subs will be arriving while i'm on vacation too, but it won't look that good:)
Honestly honest? Don't let my husband see this but I have no idea, I think I lost count!

Umm I can see a Goodies box, Hammock Pack, two POPSUGArs, two Graze boxes, a Birchbox, an Ipsy envelope, a Love With Food box, a Gillette Venus sample from their Facebook giveaway, a couple amazon orders, my Missha order and the rest are samples from the beauty companies that I requested in the early Feb.

I have to jump on the kitty pics and post mine :D /emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> We adopted these little ladies who are sisters - Pepper is the black one and Piper is the tabby. Love 'em to pieces!

Finally tried those chocolate things from the box (I had WAY too much Valentine's Day chocolate already). I really don't like them very much. The outside is okay but the center is mostly tasteless and if anything bitter (I like very dark chocolate so this usually isn't a problem). I'll eat them but mostly out of not wanting to waste them...good thing it's such a small package. Oh, and keep the kitty pictures coming! Obviously I'm a fan! 

Originally Posted by OiiO /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Honestly honest? Don't let my husband see this but I have no idea, I think I lost count!

Umm I can see a Goodies box, Hammock Pack, two POPSUGArs, two Graze boxes, a Birchbox, an Ipsy envelope, a Love With Food box, a Gillette Venus sample from their Facebook giveaway, a couple amazon orders, my Missha order and the rest are samples from the beauty companies that I requested in the early Feb.
HAH! I kept a list, because (I live with my boyfriend) I know he's going to give me crap when we come back and all the packages are there. I've been a bb subscriber for a while, added ipsy in December, and it's been progressively growing.  I did a massive code search in Feb, so I have a ton of new subs coming to try in March - mostly the ones where you pay in Feb but don't get it to the next month. (insert a whiny but I want it noooooow) :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Originally Posted by JessP /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I have to jump on the kitty pics and post mine
We adopted these little ladies who are sisters - Pepper is the black one and Piper is the tabby. Love 'em to pieces!
Love the kitties, especially the black one. I searched and searched for the right personality before I got Stormageddon (my gray kitten), but I'd really wanted a black cat. It just worked out that I fell in love with Stormy and had to go for personality and not coat color. :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Love the kitties, especially the black one. I searched and searched for the right personality before I got Stormageddon (my gray kitten), but I'd really wanted a black cat. It just worked out that I fell in love with Stormy and had to go for personality and not coat color. :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Black kitties! I follow Norman Reedus -- Daryl on _Walking Dead_ -- on Instagram solely because he has a black kitty that he posts pictures of. (I have pictures of my own black -- Edgar, after Poe, as in "The Black Cat" -- and gray -- Oscar, as in Wilde, as in _The Picture of Dorian Gray_ -- on Instagram, if anyone wanted to poke around in there. I should post a list of all the places Ed has climbed into or attempted to climb into. I mean, seriously, the *toaster *. What?)

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