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Sep 22, 2007
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I went for a cut today, I wanted a inverted bob and the stylist messed my hair up really bad. It's very choppy and I don't know if there is a way to fix it or if I should just let it grow out some. I am going to ask for a refund but I do not trust her to fix it. I will go somewhere else to get it fixed, if there is a way to fix it. What do you all think, let it grow out or try to get a stylist to fix it?


I just fixed the image for you..

Wow, well that's certainly not what I would call an inverted bob, not in the slightest! What does it look like from the side?

I am not sure if there would be much you could do at this point.. Go see a new stylist and see if they can salvage it, but I think you'd probably have to grow it out a bit before you can actually achieve the style you orginally wanted.

I am assuming, this is what you were after?



Yes that is what I was wanting. The sides are the same length as the back, but it isn't choppy. I think I will just try to grow it out some. I wasn't sure if there was anything that could be done to fix it. I guess I can wear it in a partial ponytail or something. Thanks so much for fixing my picture.

I have an inverted bob and it is quite short in the back so I think you may have some room to work with there. I WOULD get my money back though! She is terrible and I would let every single person I know and met know that!

But the back can be shorter and maybe the sides will be a little textured but I think you'll be good. If you don't have someone else to go to I would recommend Aveda. I went to a chop shop before who ruined my hair and they fixed it right up.

Aveda - Official Site - Find a Location

Difinitely get a refund!!! Let it grow out and go to another stylist. What the hell was that stylist thinking! So sorry your adventure was ruined by a talentless stylist.

Thanks to both of you! I live in a small town so there isn't very many places to chose from. I normally have a stylist I go to but she was out and my sister and sister in law talked me into going with them. The same girl cut their hair and she did a ok job on theirs. I don't know what the problem was with my hair. I was thinking about getting some kind of vitamins or something to try to help with my hair growth. I know I do not get all the vitamins I need and I am severly low on iron, which I am supposed to take iron pills for, but I don't. I am not sure how much this will help it with growing it out, but like I said I'm desperate so I will try anything.

Wow!! That's not even close! Obviously she had no clue what you wanted.. I would go back and get a refund for sure. Maybe someone else can clean it up some and then let it grow back..

It will certainly take some time. I would go to a stylist to see if they could salvage it!

First I would get my money back and make sure everyone you know locally knows not to show up at that stylist's salon. Then I would go to a more reputable stylist. Travel to another nearby city if need be.

I am so sorry though. I have had my hair butchered before and I was so mad. The good news is that it will grow back and a good stylist will be able to fix it since you still have quite a bit of length.

Oh my. What on earth was this woman thinking?! I don't let my stylist put a razor anywhere near my hair. I agree with everyone else - definitely get a refund, and tell everyone you know not to go there. Word of mouth is a very powerful weapon. I hope you can salvage it somehow!

Thanks so much everyone. I took a picture with me, but she didn't even look at it I don't guess. She said she understood what I was wanting after looking at it and she even had her hair exactly the way I wanted mine. She didn't even use a razor on my hair it was all from the scissors. She kept cutting into the ends of it almost like taking out little pieces from the ends, but I'm not sure what she was doing. I am going to wait until my stylist comes in Tuesday and have her to look at it. I'm just worried now that she might get mad that I went somewhere else. I know she probably won't say anything to me about it because she is related by marriage, but how do I explain to her that I went somewhere else? I've went to another stylist at the same salon before and she said that was fine, but this is a salon that I know she doesn't like.

Oh, really? You poor thing. Don't worry, I'm sure if your normal stylist gives it a bit of shape, cleans up the layers and maybe re-colours it, you won't even be able to notice.

Just be honest with your stylist. You have no reason to appologise for trying a new salon because we've all done it.

Be sure to let us know how it goes. Good luck!

You don't have to explain yourself to her. You're a grown person and can go anywhere you'd like. If she gets mad at you for going to another salon when she was not available and won't help, just go somewhere else. Honestly, driving to a bigger city might be the best bet. Is there one semi-close to you? When I'm at home, I drive about 90 minutes to get to the city because no one at Great Clips, Fantastic Sams, or whatever else is in this bufu town is gonna know wth to do with my's definitely worth it to just make the commute.

I agree...get a refund and travel to a nearby town to have a stylist fix it. I used to travel over an hour to get my hair cut until a new Phyto shop epoend up 2 years ago.

It is fixable!!!

Yeah definitely worth the drive! I use to drive over an hour about every five weeks for a cut.

Thanks! There is a town within 2 hrs that I go to a lot lately which has Aveda Salons and other big name salons. How would I go about checking them out to make sure they will be good? Thanks so much for all the help.

Aveda's are good salons. No need to check them out. I would call for an appointment with a Master Stylist. They all are well educated at Aveda and have to keep up with continuing education. I had some friends that worked at one. They are definitely a safe bet. You might have to be willing to fork up some dough... they aren't cheap
but they are worth it.

Thats completely fixable...She just didnt cut enough at the sides and back...not to worry!

Most large reputable salons are not going to hire someone without good skills and "repair" talents so I'm going to agree with all these ladies. Hang in there and make sure you post a pic with your newly fixed hair

Thanks everyone. I'm going to try to go tomorrow to get it fixed. I will post a pic when I get it fixed. I'm just worried about all the layers/choppiness making my bob look bad. I am sure it will look better than it does now though.


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