Pee for Acne? forums

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ive heard of tiz too.I remember reading about tiz in one forum last time abt using ur own urine to clear breakouts. According to the few 'loyal' userz in that forum, itz best to use ur first pee once u wake up in the morning. Juz dip a cotton pad n swipe over n leave for few mins n wash it off.N they even said they will also drink a teaspoon of it to preserve youthness..?hmmmmm...

yes i heard it and i actually would do it when i had a pimple or 2 i was like does work....but there are more improved things now a days so i just buy them gross as it sounds, it actually works, and it cures sickness too...a while ago, when i was like 5 or something, this guy we know was very sick and they told him to drink infant's urine to cure it, he drank my brother's urine and guess what, he got better...miracle seriously...i was too young to remember what the guy has...i also heard some people use their p.m.s. as a toner or mask or something, i heard it from this korean lady and she said that's how the korean models have beautiful skin....hard to believe, but yea, just wanna share with you guys.. :hand:

You know, if I didn't have a chemical background, I'd be be grossed out.

However, if you only knew what kinds of stuff they are putting in your "frou frou" lotions you use to *cure* cellulite, wrinkles, saggy skin... you'll wish they used only urine in your stuff. I think it's the 'eeeewww' factor that's got you ladies spun.

When I learned about all this stuff in popular commercial brands (not the organic kinds), I thought to myself, "Gosh, they use dang near animal dung to hold that lotion together."

I'm not saying I'll try it, but urine is supposed to be sterile. Still, if I had a choice between *mature* animal parts and urine...

I guess it gives a whole new meaning to "potty mouth" and "piss head"... Sorry, couldn't resist. :moa:

I didn't realize this thread had been merged, so I went back and reread all the postings. I really like what Rocknrollgoddess had to say and her naturalist approach to this topic and the interesting information she not only provided, but the links as well. Being both the open minded and holistic person that I am, I actually am interested in this subject and plan to investigate it further. In the mean time, I thought I'd try the remedy personally as my face has been hormonally going haywire lately, so this couldn't hurt and it might actually help. I will be sure to report back. As far as drinking it... Well I had never considered up until now, but I'm open to the possible possibility. I've been drinking cider vinegar and water for years...

As an added mention regarding the uses of menstrual blood and many's reactions, I thought I'd share something that will probably gross everyone out. I figured this was probably the perfect place to do do that in...

As a little ritual I guess you could call it, I save and use my monthly blood (I use a menstrual cup) to fertilize a special plant with in honor of the goddess within me. Also I plant a tomato plant once a year and do the same thing.... It's an earthy traditional thing that I've been doing for years. I know, probably sounds like "hippy ***** stuff" lol. So be it.

:sunshine: :rocknroll2: :smokin: :rocknroll2: :sunshine:

wow, i hope no one here is that desperate, and why would that even work...urine is water and waste. So silly, please don't put urine on your face that is vile

where would you keep it? and how would you explain that to your hubby if he finds it in the medicine cabinet? gross:(

Thats a new one for me! I would never try it on myself or recommend it.


i have heard of this. also i've heard that they make like fake urea or it's urea from horses that they use on skin care products to cure acne. hey i guess if your really that desperate to try it why not right? it is your own pee...oh yea btw this is for lovesboers: how lond did it take for the acne to cure and how did you gather the pee and put it on your face? lol i'm just curious

Urine IS sterile when collected properly, in a sterile cup, handled with sterile gloves or not touching the urine. Urine is also most concentrated in the morning. I think I will pass... and start reading labels a little closer!

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