Pee for Acne? forums

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I do remember an interview I seen of Madonna years ago where she said she pee 'd in the shower to help her athlets foot problems.

And I thought that was nasty!

Ann Phelps :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

There is a book I have about this called "Your own Perfect Medicine" by Martha Christy. It is very informative. It talks about urine therapy and the benefits of drinking and using urine on your skin. I believe your diet has to be healthy for it to work well. I haven't tried to drink my own urine but I've read that it is helpful to people with some health problems.

kim...i too have little faith in the medical community, and that coming from the daughter of two dr.s who are the only dr.s i go to now! lol--i too had the 8 weeks of intravenous antibiotics and therapy that is supposed to kill the lymes bacteria and it led me on a hellish ride for the last 15 years...fortunately, through alternative medicine and some positive visualization i have been able to reclaim my life...but urine therapy is just one part of that whole picture---i do eat almost all raw, all organic, and lots of supplements like blue green algae and msm and silica that most people havent even heard about--traumeel is my best friend! and i get accupuncture and do alexander therapy...and feel pretty darn good for 42! me, it tastes fine--even "gasp" great, and i can pretty much tell if i am eating right and am healthy by the, its like a self maintenance check as well as a does indeed help tremendously with my pain levels--i read you also have arthritis, which is what chronic lymes leave you with...

and i am huge into minerals---green juice is key---and well..yellow ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

i know a lot of people find this gross, but so is doing wheatgrass retention enemas and colonics--and loads of people do those to maintain their health--i think that being open to the many therapies and not judging people who find something healthful to them is Key. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> thats why i you all could see a real person who has been helped by this from a medical standpoint and has reaped the benefits from a beauty standpoint as well.

The thought that people could drink their own urine/use it on their face or do other things with it, is disgusting in my opinion :sick:

There is a television program in Australia called Beyond Tomorrow and one of the articles that night was about a machine that could purify urine/dirty water etc so that it was safe for human consumption. More information here.

I still would not drink it though.

The way I see it is that your body expels it for a reason & I'm not putting it back in.

another interesting thing is you didnt know that portajohn is owned by a company that processes the urine and uses it in clot busting drugs...yes...those drugs that save thousands of lives a year come out of the common porta potty...

betcha didnt think your pee would go into pharmaceuticals...

additionally--in the days when penicillin was new and RARE--if you were on the pills, they made you collect your urine so they could recycle the penicillin...

its only recently that we started thinking of pee in a bad way...

betcha didnt know that most hormones women take are processed out of mares urine? and i think most major fertility drugs come straight from pregnant womens urine...

the things we DONT know about medicine are amazing....

The ONLY way I would drink my own pee or slather it on my face is if I were stranded in the desert with no water. Ukk! I just couldn't imagine it! I think I would throw up. LOL :madno: :madno: :madno: :madno:

lol--no you would be pleasantly surprised....really....i thought i would too, but because of health issues--i tried it...and it works great...wonder if i could go on fear factor with this? lol

i heard of this too, but i would never put pee

on my face on anywhere else ! for any reason

once i was in the shower... my acne was pretty bad at the time... and i actually thought of going through with washing my face with my pee.

No thanks, i can just get over the fact i put acv on my face the smell of that is enough so i couldnt dare put pee on my face.

But see- if you eat healthy to begin with - then you should slowly be getting results ANYWAY from being healthy. No need to pee on yourself! :laughing: I can't bring myself to do this. Pee is released from my body for a reason.

my mother says this is what her and family did years ago. i've never tried it and i've never seen her use it though her 50+ skin is clear and blemish free.

eww-wie ..... i'm sure it works .. but .. i admit i'm too chicken to try , it's a psychological thing .


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