Need advice: Brighter purple highlights? forums

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Jul 5, 2011
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   <-- sorry, I couldn't keep my eyes open... the sun was too bright!

Hello fellow MUTs!! I've got a question for you! I've recently gotten my hair dyed purple as you see in the picture above, but I want it even brighter... I work at the office as receptionist... do you think it would be okay? As of now, the colour only really shows in sunlight or in incandescent light (work has florescent)... What do you think? Thanks!!! 


PS: I am planning to go to Fan Expo in 2 weeks... as Psylocke :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

when it comes to work, only you can make that decision.

Does anyone else where you work have coloured hair, do people judge them or treat them differently? if so, do you mind if they do the same to you? its not fair, no, but its a fact of life at the moment. (hence my boring hair nowadays)

to be can always do it brighter and if you get a bad reaction, claim it as a mistake and dull it down the week after! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I like your hair the way it is now but I agree with spittingpink - it's your decision and if you get a negative office reaction (especially since you work as a receptionist and receptionists usually give the first impression of the office itself) say it was a mistake and then run to the salon and get it redone!

I think it would be fine - but then I'm not your boss either.

What about trying some pink extentions first, and see how they look and how your off would react.

If they look good, and the office says ok - then go for it.

Definitely ask your manager or a coworker.  Some companies have strict dress codes and it may include hair colour and/or piercings especially for someone who would have exposure to clients like a receptionist.  

If it's for an event, you can find some clip-on hair extensions in purple.  You can clip and remove and no damage to your hair.  

Thanks for all the advice!! XD I will ask management to see if it's okay... People at work seems to like it, though my workplace consists mainly of guys :|

@ dragonfly + divadoll hair extensions sounds like a good idea! I will look into it, thanks!

@ spittingpink i love the colours you are wearing in the display picture!! so envious!

Originally Posted by eLLah /img/forum/go_quote.gif

@ spittingpink i love the colours you are wearing in the display picture!! so envious!

well...there is your other option...they are all clip ins! some i dyed myself, some I bought off weavequeen on ebay!

I would ask. I made sure it was ok before I colored my hair the  5 colors it is now :x I like the color how it is in your hair now as well. Like others said try clip on ones just to test the water see how it goes in the office :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I got it colored again.. result came out a bit different.. I'm still getting two ddifferent purple shades... but this time one is more blue... I still need to wash my hair a few times for the real colour to come out... I feel like I'm too chicken to go brighter... :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 


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