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Like I said, I'm being lazy today, so no style and no makeup, forgive me please!



It has now been washed so the little tiny bit of turquiose that showed up has faded, so it is the color that you see above.

wow!! i thought you meant a dull green like what can happen, not bright green! im surprised! your hairs got some serious attitude! (it's a good thing)

It is a vibrant green. WOW:w00t: I know people who would die for that color. Have fun with it!


Me ( I got berry punch instead of burgundy)

Yay green hair! So cool lol, what I love about non-conventional coloured hair is that you can also do extreme makeup to go with it and it doesn't end up looking OTT.

Can't wait to see your multi-coloured streaks later on! :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

In the process of even more new hair...

Look out for pics coming soon

Well, I didnt go with the bright colors, after I bleached it again I just stuck with the blonde. But, this weekend I gave in to the temptation and used the new Clairol Professional line that we just got in


sorry the pic isnt too good, came from my phone, maybe I'll get a better pic up later

If the pic is tooooo sucky to see, i've got red and black in the front and the back and very bottom layer in the front is still blonde

Thank you! I guess I was just upset cause you cant really see the colors.


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