how young were you when you started wearing makeup forums

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Aug 22, 2020
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NW Alabama
I want to know how young were you when you started wearing makeup. Most of my friends' daughters started at maybe 10 or 11 in small amounts. But what really is the right age to start wearing makeup?
"Young" is subjective.

For me, I started when I was 30. That's young to me, but holy-cow ancient to others.

Is there really a right age to start wearing make-up? It all depends on the parent(s).
Honestly, I tried to wear makeup a few times in middle school and high school but I was never good at it (I also would try to use my moms makeup and her complexion/undertone is NOTHING like mine so it would never look good. I would get discouraged and just didn't really play around with makeup until recently. I also lived in a very very small down in the middle of nowhere so to me there was no reason to spend a lot of time in front of the mirror or to look good for the wild animals :LOL:

I LOVE when people feel confident & sexy/beautiful and makeup is just one of those ways to help someone feel that way. I think everyone is pretty and should feel confident so I love being a makeup artist that can show people that beauty is something that everyone has, they just have to know how to work with their undertones, face shapes etc.

So yeah, going back to your question @Masque, it is just in the recent years that I've been wearing makeup.
I started wearing makeup at age 8. It was more a playful thing at first as I loved trying on my mum's lipstick. However having an older sister really helped me by introducing me slowly to light foundations, mascara and eyeliners. By the time I was 16 I had my go to looks depending on the occasion
I started wearing makeup around 14, mostly light products like lip gloss and mascara. I believe the right age really depends on the child’s individual interest and maturity. Starting with small amounts for fun or special events is perfectly fine. It's important to also teach them about skincare and remind them that true confidence doesn’t rely on makeup.

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