My final (?) blonde results. Hubby hates it :o( Pics forums

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Ok, this is based on what I see on my screen (and I'm sure it looks different on everyone's). From my view, the ones that show up blonde, look very nice and pretty. But the ones on your crown are showing up grey on my screen. So I don't know.

I think it looks really pretty. When I died my hair brown from like really light blonde my dad almost killed over and my guy friends were like "it looks good but I like it better blonde" I think it's just a man thing. Most dont like change but he'll get use to it.

i am partial to blonde hair, so of course i think it looks great!!!

but even putting my bias aside, i think it is beautiful with your skin tone

i do not think that it looks 'green' or makes you look 'red' at ALL

i do think the blonder color makes you look more youthful, as opposed to making you 'look like someone who is trying to look young'

lol, in fact, reading what your husband said to you makes me want to go clunk mine on the head with the frying pan just in case he EVER might open his mouth so thoughtlessly!!! you do remember where your frying pans are stored, dont you?:4:

:add_wegbrech: :add_wegbrech: :add_wegbrech: :add_wegbrech:

I think it looks great!!!!!!

i don't think you look red! not sure what it looked like before, but i think this is pretty, perfect for summer!!!

i like it, i think it actually looks very natuaral.

the hair color you have is exactly like mine naturally, and while my skin tone is lighter then yours appears to be ( i am whiter then computer papper) i shall tell you a tale

my mom has mousey brown hair, i would say closes to the very darkest of the colors in your hair currently all over, and she gets it highlighted exactly like that to go blonde... not to mention her skin tone appears to be exactly the same as hers. any way what i am getting at is that at first she felt overly red, but idk my mom doesnt wear make up and eventually it seemed to work out maybe she just got used to it but her skin doesnt seem so red any more, it just seems to make sense with the blonde hair now

ps. i say who cares what your husband says, if it makes you happy then keep it

It is a lovely color I think, and flattering to your skin tone and beautiful blue eyes(though they'd look incredible with any shade!) The problem--if there is still one for you--isn't with your head, or the hair on it, but what is in your husband's head,imo--and that problem is,I think, simply that,as others here have mentioned, men are just often slow to take to physical change, even the best kinds, in the women they love. I have no idea why this is, it is just something I have obseved, in my own husband as well as spouses/boyfriends of others. I think a part of them equates substantial outer change with inner change--maybe your husband fears you will become "different",somehow, with a new shade of hair--or maybe he is just addicted to what he is more familar with....Either way, HE is the one, in this case, who needs to change--to get used to his now-blonde,still pretty wife.And then, once his fear of her changing in other ways as well is gone, he will be able to see just how lovely she looks,and is, from the outside on in. It may take a little patience, on your part--men can be very slow to adapt, or the ones I've known,anyway!--but the most important thing is, that you make your heart utterly soundproof when he says offensive and hurtful remarks about your hair, which are simply NOT TRUE remarks, either!

You look so lovely. Look in the mirror, and look at the responses here at MUT, for the true answer to any doubts about that he may have implanted within you. And, remember to enjoy it! It will be much better when your husband joins you in loving your hair (or, maybe he's truly a "brunette man", and so he'll only ever like your blonde hair, but so what!)but until then, try to surround yourself,whenever possible, with people/friends who reaffirm how you felt the day you got your hair colored, and KNEW and FELT how truly great you looked(look.) Remember to hold on to that undoubting moment, to bring it with you forward in time.

Aww, I can't believe your husband said that to you!! What a bum, I would have slapped him a good one, LOL. I think your stylist did such an awesome job on your hair, it looks great! There's no reason that dye job wouldn't look good on you, with your fair colouring.

I really think it is your husband who has the problem. Men are just like that, I can tell you a story about my mother too. LOL. She's 46 and up until about a year ago she'd had the same haircut since she was 20! She'd never coloured it or anything, and honestly she was about 70% grey. Her natural colour is a dark chestnut brown with a bit of red, so the grey really stood out.

For her birthday she had her good friend [who is also a hair stylist] cut and colour it for her, and it looked great! She looked 10 years younger. But my dad hated it! And it was just because it was such an abrupt change-- SierraWren hit it on the head. They correlate a major outer change with a major inner change, get all insecure, and wonder what the heck is going on inside your head [and whether it has anything to do with them!]

My dad actually thought my mom wanted a divorce or something, because she lost a lot of weight, got her hair done and had been buying nice clothes for herself, which she never did. LOL. He thought since she got all gorgeous she didn't need him anymore, isn't that silly?? And now she just told me not long ago he said he actually liked her hair! So I think your husband might warm up to it, don't worry :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Thank you all so much. It does help to hear your opinions. I would like for him to warm up to it, but I realize that may or may not happen. I think part of it is that he feels there is some inner change going on in me as well, and that is probably causing him to overreact. I wish he wouldn't do it in such a mean way, as if it's an obvious problem I can't see. He keeps making these comments in an underhanded way, like this show that was just on tv, about people going crazy with plastic surgery (ala Michael Jackson) and he's saying, 'see, she doesn't see it...she thinks she's beautiful...' then he says something about her blonde hair....sheesh! I'm hoping when he sees I'm not changing myself, he'll understand.

oh well....I'm holding fast like SierraWren advised and soundproofing my heart....thanks again!

oh, by the way...a guy I work with today mentioned how good my hair looked.....not in a come-on kind of way, but a nice compliment...he couldn't understand why hubby hated it either. I didn't and won't mention that to hubby, as I'm sure that would only make things worse. It was just interesting to me that it's the first compliment that particular individual has given me in our almost 4 years of working together.

Hey I am not going to tell you that your husband will get used to it or he doesnt know what hes talking about, his taste may be different, but the truth is you look chic! Really fabulous.

I am not saying this because im trying to cheer you up, im telling u because u asked and im really honest with u.

U know before i saw the photo and u were sayin how ur husband hated it, i was expecting something that i might agree with your husband with, but it shocked me how beautiful the highlights are. i think there is no need to feel like crap, you look like a million bucks and can pass it on anyone with hair that looks that good.

then again, maybe your husband was just shocked and started to tell you of things that he really didnt mean, ask for his honest opinion. and dont be affected if he insists that he doeasnt like it. just tell him to try to live with it! LOL

Miss Lovely


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