It is a lovely color I think, and flattering to your skin tone and beautiful blue eyes(though they'd look incredible with any shade!) The problem--if there is still one for you--isn't with your head, or the hair on it, but what is in your husband's head,imo--and that problem is,I think, simply that,as others here have mentioned, men are just often slow to take to physical change, even the best kinds, in the women they love. I have no idea why this is, it is just something I have obseved, in my own husband as well as spouses/boyfriends of others. I think a part of them equates substantial outer change with inner change--maybe your husband fears you will become "different",somehow, with a new shade of hair--or maybe he is just addicted to what he is more familar with....Either way, HE is the one, in this case, who needs to change--to get used to his now-blonde,still pretty wife.And then, once his fear of her changing in other ways as well is gone, he will be able to see just how lovely she looks,and is, from the outside on in. It may take a little patience, on your part--men can be very slow to adapt, or the ones I've known,anyway!--but the most important thing is, that you make your heart utterly soundproof when he says offensive and hurtful remarks about your hair, which are simply NOT TRUE remarks, either!
You look so lovely. Look in the mirror, and look at the responses here at MUT, for the true answer to any doubts about that he may have implanted within you. And, remember to enjoy it! It will be much better when your husband joins you in loving your hair (or, maybe he's truly a "brunette man", and so he'll only ever like your blonde hair, but so what!)but until then, try to surround yourself,whenever possible, with people/friends who reaffirm how you felt the day you got your hair colored, and KNEW and FELT how truly great you looked(look.) Remember to hold on to that undoubting moment, to bring it with you forward in time.