Memebox: Korean Beauty Box Service forums

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Thanks ladies! I did email and waiting for a response, my thing is though, I want this company to stay in business and give us amazing boxes and if we use and expect many credits he will not make money, think it's not worth it and stop the boxes which is the last thing I want him to do. I'd like this company to last so I hate to be to greedy with asking for credits?????? But I did because I'm greedy!! At least in this circumstance!!! LOL I bad girls, just bad!

Quote: Originally Posted by Dragngrl03 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Hi All! Just wanted to share my experience regarding the credits. I ordered the 3rd Edition Memebox (this will be my first order and eek! I cannot wait!).  Even though I used the $5.00 for referral credit and $5.00 welcome points for the first box, I also received the $7.00 credit for the shipping fee for the next box also in my account after I placed the first order. I ordered on Saturday and did not receive the credits in my account until Monday which I thought was really fast considering it was the weekend.  Also, I did have to do the 1:1 Inquiry thing to get the referral $5.00 credited to my account and memebox replied to me when it was done so I didn't even have to keep checking my balance (although who are we kidding....I totally did anyways). Hope this helps!
Yay! Thanks for sharing your experience with it! I know they've got a bit of a complicated situation with the credits. They were wanting to offer their blogger partners a coupon code type thing for their referrals to get the $5 credit but their site was having difficulties accepting them, so then they just told me to tell everyone to message them directly and say that HarlotBeauty sent them, which is my blog and my user name on the site. That way, they know you were referred and you get rewarded with the $5 in credit.

They're such a nice company and they've had a few issues here and there transitioning to the US market but I think they're doing a great job so far!

Quote: Originally Posted by Spiritwind10 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Thanks ladies! I did email and waiting for a response, my thing is though, I want this company to stay in business and give us amazing boxes and if we use and expect many credits he will not make money, think it's not worth it and stop the boxes which is the last thing I want him to do. I'd like this company to last so I hate to be to greedy with asking for credits?????? But I did because I'm greedy!! At least in this circumstance!!! LOL I bad girls, just bad!
haha Well I know they are VERY popular in Korea and just recently came over to the US, so I think they're using the success of their Korean box to give US bloggers a great deal and all their readers referral points. I do think it's a great deal though considering you get your shipping reimbursed into credits as well as the signup and referral credits, you can always get a great deal on a box!

Quote: Originally Posted by queeenb /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Not to be an enabler or anything (;P) but I would go ahead and buy the 3rd box.  They give you $7 back to kind of like reimburse you for the shipping.  They give you $5 as welcome points and another $5 if you email them and tell them Harlot Beauty referred you!  I think you can use these points towards a box.  This is what I would do/did.

Quote: Originally Posted by Spiritwind10 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I think i would and I did because I wanted both boxes buy the 3rd, got the $5.00 credit though I never did receive the $7.00 as promised. And used the $5.00 to buy the 4th. But if you want the 3rd I would get that first as that will be the first to go and then get the 4th with the credits.

Sometimes an enabler is just what I need. :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I went ahead and ordered the 3rd box. I've sent an e-mail off about the referral as well. Once everything credits to my account, with those points to cash in, I think I'll actually be able to get the 4th box as well. The points system is very generous, I think. 

Hi again this evening ladies! I got a not back from Memebox and they said I have a credit of $12 on my account which I will probably use towards box #5 when that comes out!! Thank you all for your help, much appreciated and I so look forward to getting my boxes!!! You know what I wish??? I know I'm a little older and stuff, but I've had so much fun conversing and such with you all, I wish we all could get together and have a really cool make up spa day with each other. Have a makeup expert come in and help us with any questions we might have etc and party the day away! Where does everyone live and such? It's too bad we can't get into groups near each other and visit. Let me know what you think. I live in central Ohio. Does anyone live near Ohio or there abouts? Anyway, thank you all for your help and keep up the chatting girls!!! Keep helping each other out! Nancy

If anybody's still interested in getting the 2nd box, I just got an email from memebox saying that the 2nd box is back in stock.

I want it, ugh.

If anybody's still interested in getting the 2nd box, I just got an email from memebox saying that the 2nd box is back in stock. I want it, ugh. :scared:
You guys are such enablers! I just spent the 12.00 credits on the 2nd box instead of waiting for the 5th!!! shame, shame, shame on you all!!!!!!!!!! LOL : )
Quote: Originally Posted by Spiritwind10 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

You guys are such enablers! I just spent the 12.00 credits on the 2nd box instead of waiting for the 5th!!! shame, shame, shame on you all!!!!!!!!!! LOL : )
I'm half-ashamed, but not really! I caved and ordered the 2nd box too lol. I'm holding on to my credits until I have enough to pay for a full box, so I'm justifying this purchase by telling myself the credits I get will be used for a free box in the future...

The BB cream in the second box is amazing! I have been using it a lot since I got it! I think the 2nd box is my favorite one. So much amazing skin care!

Quote: Originally Posted by kotoko /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Time to go spelunking, because I totally caved on this 2nd Memebox! 
haha I'm thinking of getting a second one and doing a giveaway with it, but I'm still waiting to hear back from Memebox on when their partners are getting the 4th Edition to review, as I might wait to get that one as a giveaway box...ahh too many cute boxes!

I'm half-ashamed, but not really! I caved and ordered the 2nd box too lol. I'm holding on to my credits until I have enough to pay for a full box, so I'm justifying this purchase by telling myself the credits I get will be used for a free box in the future... :whistling:
You are too funny!!! LOL. LOL : ). I'm with you girlfriend!! The 2nd box seems awesome! I just hope the 4th box is great! Couldn't find a review of it yet! Did see one of the '2nd and 3rd box below where you order it on the site. I also hope we get boxes 2 & 3 soon! Wonder how long it will take them it send??? I don't expect the 4th box to go out till the end of the month. But if they have 2 & 3 in they should send them out soon. I hope????? Anyway if anyone know how long it takes let me know. Also, if anyone knows his let me know. . . Do we get $7.00 credit for every box? Cause he said I would get it again after the box shipped??? Just wondered. Have an awesome night ladies!!!!
You are too funny!!! LOL. LOL : ). I'm with you girlfriend!! The 2nd box seems awesome! I just hope the 4th box is great! Couldn't find a review of it yet! Did see one of the '2nd and 3rd box below where you order it on the site. I also hope we get boxes 2 & 3 soon! Wonder how long it will take them it send??? I don't expect the 4th box to go out till the end of the month. But if they have 2 & 3 in they should send them out soon. I hope????? Anyway if anyone know how long it takes let me know. Also, if anyone knows his let me know. . . Do we get $7.00 credit for every box? Cause he said I would get it again after the box shipped??? Just wondered. Have an awesome night ladies!!!!
I'm half-ashamed, but not really! I caved and ordered the 2nd box too lol. I'm holding on to my credits until I have enough to pay for a full box, so I'm justifying this purchase by telling myself the credits I get will be used for a free box in the future... :whistling:
You guys:laughno: you are all awesome. I'm so glad I found this/you all. I'm gonna get the second one with the credits I got.. I'll wait for the 4th edition review then go ahead and do my thing. So glad I didn't get the social bliss box:D
Quote: Originally Posted by MissJexie /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  haha I'm thinking of getting a second one and doing a giveaway with it, but I'm still waiting to hear back from Memebox on when their partners are getting the 4th Edition to review, as I might wait to get that one as a giveaway box...ahh too many cute boxes!
It's a cult of Asian cuteness! They're sucking us in! XD

From the points on the other two boxes, I already had 12 mileage, so buying box 2 only cost me $16!  Pretty sweet deal. I'm going to be so fully stocked up on skincare items, but I really wanted some good bb's. 

I just used my $17 in credits for getting the 2nd, then immediately hoped on here cause I knew I wasn't going to be the only one who had ordered it, ha! We are just all enabling each other!

I just used my $17 in credits for getting the 2nd, then immediately hoped on here cause I knew I wasn't going to be the only one who had ordered it, ha! We are just all enabling each other!
Same here! I had $17 in credits and jumped on the second box then headed over here to see if everyone knew it was back! I really wanted to try that bb cream. The only one I have ever liked was the Asian skin79 brand. American bb creams are just awful!
It's a cult of Asian cuteness! They're sucking us in! XD
Your darn right their sucking us in!! One and all! All for one!!! Let us all go get soft and have faces full of Delightful Korean makeup!!! : ). : ) Miss Jexie. Sign up up for your give away! Ones not enough, two might do. . . . : )
In the pure delight of placing an order, I completely forgot to see if the bb would work for me ... I'm a medium-light olive and yellow undertone Asian. Someone help ?


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