Quote: Originally Posted by
lemonsquares /img/forum/go_quote.gif
How was the lip gel product? I don't know if it's a one-time use only patch or if it can be used a few times. I might just end up giving it to someone else because I have no particular desire to get my lips plumped. Now if it claimed to reduce discoloration on the outline of my lips...
It doesn't plump the lips, really, so no worries! It's supposed to moisturize and treat them. It was VERY heavy and even though it stuck to my lips it kept sliding down, but once I adjusted it once or twice it stuck pretty well. It felt really cooling and soothing, however once I took it off and patted the rest of the serum into my skin, my lips just kind of felt moisturized, but nothing too exciting. Kind of like if you put on a lip balm and then wiped off the excess. Nothing I would buy again, but kind of a fun little "mask" for the lips, I guess!
Quote: Originally Posted by
pinkgirlie /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Oh, thats sooo cool ! Koreans are known for their quality. They would be dishonored and feel shame if they made cheap stuff, like chinese goods. Koreans love quality and being perfectionists. Most koreans I know are doctors or high end fields of work. They strive to be the best in everything and will not go cheap, do shortcuts in any product or cheat people cause it goes against their ethics. This box looks awesome !
Everything I've received in the box has been extremely well-packaged and high quality. There have been some things I haven't tried yet or have given away, but everything I have tried has been amazing! I think it's one of the few boxes in this price point that is well worth the money!
Quote: Originally Posted by
erinenvyy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I've wanted to try this box since I saw it on @MissJexie's blog (I was creeping the other day). My skincare routine consists of me putting on moisturizer before I put my foundation on - sometimes. I think this stuff will be fun to play with.
haha that's awesome!

[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I am the saaaame way with skincare, although I have been trying to start a "routine" lately and I've been trying different things to see what a good combination is. I have always loved Korean BB creams. I LOVE the Skin79 Absolute Total Diamond BB Cream. Just started using it and it manages to be sheer but still covers really well if that's even possible! I think that's the best thing about this box though, is that it's so fun to get it because everything is new and exciting...and occasionally weird lol