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Quote: Originally Posted by ZeeOmega /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Falbala is a gathered ruffle, flounce or trim. I could see it getting turned into 'falabala' with Japanese, and likely Korean, pronunciations. The use of ruffles in Asian clothing is fairly common for giving an item delicate femininity. 

I'm a US dress size 4 and generally wear smalls. In Japan, my tops always had to be Medium at the smallest and sometimes a Large to accommodate my bust. Pants are generally a disaster if your hips and waist are not approximately the same. In order to fit my hips into anything, my waist was invariably swimming and I had to rely on elastic waists, cinching and belts to keep anything up. 

I'm really curious as to what's going to be in the next box!
Thanks for the info,

it was on a Chinese site I saw these terms, but I will pay attention as to if all those items have ruffles..I will try and remember that!

For me it is the opposite- tops on most of the asian sites seem too small unless it is XL or XXL, but for pants I've been able to fit into anything labeled as "one size", which is usually quite small.

My legs are fairly thin and I do not have much hips-so most pants are fine. But I do find a lot of US and some Canadian pants are always too big in the butt and hips for me...

I think a lot of the asian sites have really cute dresses and it is nice to see they have so many with sleeves or not too low cut and good for daytime.

So much stuff at the mall here is just not good for daytime at all it seems.

I used EMS post - the k-packet was almost 60 bucks in shipping cost. 

*edit* I got it backwards, (and since I had two boxes they doubled the 25$ shipping cost) don't do EMS!

Quote: Originally Posted by kotoko /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Do you guys use K-Packet or EMS Korea Post?
I used the K-Packet option, which was free for me. The EMS option added about $25 to my total.


The K-Packet option technically isn't free... I meant to say I got charged $6.97 for shipping, which I guess is the K-Packet option. Choosing EMS makes shipping $25 instead of $6.97.

Quote: Originally Posted by xchristina /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Thats weird, the photo shows free express shipping but when I select it, it charges me.
The K-Packet was free for me as well, with the EMS adding to the total. Might want to contact them through the 1:1 feature and see what is going on with that. They are generally pretty quick to reply.

Quote: Originally Posted by xchristina /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Thats weird, the photo shows free express shipping but when I select it, it charges me.
Quote: Originally Posted by goldendarter /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  The K-Packet was free for me as well, with the EMS adding to the total. Might want to contact them through the 1:1 feature and see what is going on with that. They are generally pretty quick to reply.

Sorry if my reply up there added to the confusion... Shipping isn't really free, it's $6.97 and it's the K-Packet option. The free part is the upgrade to express shipping, I think.

Yayy I'm so excited to have more people signing up! I always get mine and have no one to talk to about it! haha :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Yayy I'm so excited to have more people signing up! I always get mine and have no one to talk to about it! haha :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Glad we could make you feel better by ordering. : ). But it was you who started the thread and got us talking about it and now we have each other to talk with!!! Thank you Miss Jexie!!!! : )
I'm pretty sure if you e-mail them at and say that HarlotBeauty referred you (also let them know your user name on the site) you guys will get an extra $5 in credit on your account. I get complimentary boxes so I don't get any kickback from them (just so MUT mods know, I'm not profiting off referrals in any way), but I know you guys get the $5 so I thought I'd pass that along!
Thank you! It worked! Great customer service. I'm so excited to find this box! Thank you thank you thank you!! Lol
Quote: Originally Posted by queeenb /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Thank you! It worked! Great customer service. I'm so excited to find this box!
Thank you thank you thank you!! Lol
Yay that's awesome to hear and you're welcome! And they do have great customer service, So nice :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Just ordered the 3rd edition box! I am a sucker for Asian skincare and this sounds awesome :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by eliu8108 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Just ordered the 3rd edition box! I am a sucker for Asian skincare and this sounds awesome :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />
It really is an awesome box! Can't wait to see what's int he 4th edition! I've used quite a bit of the skincare items I've received and have had great results with most of them. We got a full sized BB cream in the 2nd edition and I love Korean BB's and already have a favorite, but I was blown away at how much I loved this one. The BB alone was well worth the cost of the box!

I'm so torn! I wish the 2nd box was still available, as I'd love to try to the bb cream. I can only really afford to buy one box right now, so I'm trying to decide whether to buy the 3rd one (which had the cc cream) and hope to have the money for the 4th in a week or so. Or should I just go ahead and jump in with the 4th and be surprised, hoping to be buy the 3rd later on (and hoping it doesn't sell out). Decisions, decisions...

Quote: Originally Posted by msambrosia /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I'm so torn! I wish the 2nd box was still available, as I'd love to try to the bb cream. I can only really afford to buy one box right now, so I'm trying to decide whether to buy the 3rd one (which had the cc cream) and hope to have the money for the 4th in a week or so. Or should I just go ahead and jump in with the 4th and be surprised, hoping to be buy the 3rd later on (and hoping it doesn't sell out). Decisions, decisions...

Not to be an enabler or anything (;P) but I would go ahead and buy the 3rd box.  They give you $7 back to kind of like reimburse you for the shipping.  They give you $5 as welcome points and another $5 if you email them and tell them Harlot Beauty referred you!  I think you can use these points towards a box.  This is what I would do/did.

Not to be an enabler or anything (;P) but I would go ahead and buy the 3rd box.  They give you $7 back to kind of like reimburse you for the shipping.  They give you $5 as welcome points and another $5 if you email them and tell them Harlot Beauty referred you!  I think you can use these points towards a box.  This is what I would do/did.
I think i would and I did because I wanted both boxes buy the 3rd, got the $5.00 credit though I never did receive the $7.00 as promised. And used the $5.00 to buy the 4th. But if you want the 3rd I would get that first as that will be the first to go and then get the 4th with the credits.
Quote: Originally Posted by Spiritwind10 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I think i would and I did because I wanted both boxes buy the 3rd, got the $5.00 credit though I never did receive the $7.00 as promised. And used the $5.00 to buy the 4th. But if you want the 3rd I would get that first as that will be the first to go and then get the 4th with the credits.
You should e-mail them and see what's going on with your $7 credit. They're usually pretty good at responding within 24 hours!

Quote: Originally Posted by Spiritwind10 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I think i would and I did because I wanted both boxes buy the 3rd, got the $5.00 credit though I never did receive the $7.00 as promised. And used the $5.00 to buy the 4th. But if you want the 3rd I would get that first as that will be the first to go and then get the 4th with the credits.

Quote: Originally Posted by MissJexie /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  You should e-mail them and see what's going on with your $7 credit. They're usually pretty good at responding within 24 hours!

Hi All! Just wanted to share my experience regarding the credits. I ordered the 3rd Edition Memebox (this will be my first order and eek! I cannot wait!).  Even though I used the $5.00 for referral credit and $5.00 welcome points for the first box, I also received the $7.00 credit for the shipping fee for the next box also in my account after I placed the first order. I ordered on Saturday and did not receive the credits in my account until Monday which I thought was really fast considering it was the weekend.  Also, I did have to do the 1:1 Inquiry thing to get the referral $5.00 credited to my account and memebox replied to me when it was done so I didn't even have to keep checking my balance (although who are we kidding....I totally did anyways). Hope this helps!


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