With all due respect, Tony Moly is NOT a " Memebox brand". It is a Korean brand sold in major cities as well. Many of us got that same email from Sephora.com about the Tony Moly lip gloss and didn't think it remarkable at all.. It's no biggie.
Fanserviced has posted many photos and details of her K- shopping in the NY Flushing area K- stores. K- beauty products are wanted in the U.S., so they are now in the U.S. and the market is growing. Yay.

[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
The European market can court the same brands and open the same stores if they haven't already. Likewise, there will still be plenty of products for Europeans and Koreans and whomever, I'm sure.
The only major company with a retail business front which I know to have had a glitch with Memebox was Innisfree, and none of us really know what happened. I think it was a price disagreement with Memebox, not a product shortage. There's still the Innisfree " Value Set" at about $3.00 off retail, which no one is buying, and those products were likely destined for the now- defunct Innisfree Memebox. Not the fault of any group of customers that the Innisfree box didn't happen, and that Memebox messed up their own Wine and Cheese box the way they did.
The N. American bashing is getting rude. It's not the fault of N. Americans that you perceive yourself to " have less" or have less access to items. I don't hate on Paris, or Parisians or France because of some of the lesser known, non- exported things I have found there on my trips, I'm just glad to have what I have.