Memebox: Korean Beauty Box Service forums

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Damn it I'm trying to sign up for the affiliate program through the new service. The whole tax form thing is going right over my head. I'm in Canada and the site info says to contact an IRS expert. Um.. ya, no idea where I"d find one of those here. There's some forms to fill out for the IRS or they withhold 30% or something? Bah, not going to bother with the hassle unless I miraculously got a crazy amount of traffic on my stuff, haha! Not worth it at the moment.
Anyone else finding it a pain in the ass to sign up with? Maybe it's not so annoying if you're in the US.

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I took a cursory look at it, and came to a similar conclusion. Tedium to the extreme. I vowed to come back to it when I was wearing a different brain. We should probably try to share info about this with one another... It's bound to make the process easier for us all. Don't give up, it might be worth it in the long run. Maybe some other bloggers who are already familiar with this third party company can chime in. Although I haven't yet checked it out... The Affiliate's thread might be the place to have this convo and get some help. That's where I'll be looking once I'm in the right headspace to sort it out. Hopefully there is some chatter about it.

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Just wanted to pop in and say HI really quick!  I've been off the board ever since New Years.  My kitty was diagnosed with diabetes so I was very stressed having to learn all about that.  I joined a new forum, one for owners of feline diabetics, so I've been spending all my time over there trying to learn about how to take care of my kitty.  

There hasn't been much to talk about Memewise anyway... I just got my Global #18 box in the mail today -- first impressions were good.  I'm excited to try the weird shower jelly and hopefully the Beetox cream is good.

Memebox really needs to figure their **** out, of they want to keep running contests in the US. The golden ticket contest? There was no way to enter without purchase, which is 100% illegal. When I called them on it, they sent me a link to enter without purchase, but of course, I never heard back from it. When I emailed back to ask what happened with my entry, they asked me for my order number, and then just never responded when I explained my situation.

The Attorney General is serious about contest law, and of memebox doesn't want to spend what little money they are currently making from us on legal fees, I suggest they get it together.
Update to this - they just got back to me (I'm assuming they read my complaint here, and that's why). They offered me the $3 coupon that lots of people got. Which kind of defeats the purpose - if I never had a chance to actually win a a larger prize, what kind of contest was it...

I'm not too happy with Memebox and their contests either right now.  Since they appear to be simply refusing to honor their part of the bargain.  It's ridiculously illegal and I've been nice up til now but uhhh... It's illegal to have a contest, pick a winner and then never give the winner their winnings.

Just wanted to pop in and say HI really quick!  I've been off the board ever since New Years.  My kitty was diagnosed with diabetes so I was very stressed having to learn all about that.  I joined a new forum, one for owners of feline diabetics, so I've been spending all my time over there trying to learn about how to take care of my kitty.  

There hasn't been much to talk about Memewise anyway... I just got my Global #18 box in the mail today -- first impressions were good.  I'm excited to try the weird shower jelly and hopefully the Beetox cream is good.
I'm so sorry to hear about this, always so sad, but my Aunt and Uncle where also in the same situation and gave their Cat insulin daily. I remember it was quite pricey though. This wasn't an issue for them but thinking back on it (and inflation) Im leaning towards my husband's uber pricey asthma meds that keep him breathing, even with insurance, are a little higher on my priority list. Call me selfish....but whatever you decide to do I wish you best. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Such a hard thing when our pets are like family....ours are (literally) our babies and I can't imagine being without them.
On a MemeNote, I haven't purchased any of the new boxes even though I've kind of wanted to. I've picked up a new (old) hobby and have been throwing exorbitant amounts of money into that while being away and trying to pay attention to my husband more. After 10 years I'm thinking he probably deserves it. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

@@MemeJunkie the insulin is insanely expensive.  I'm thankful I met the people on that forum though, now I know my cat has a chance to go into remission and probably won't even need the insulin that long!  The hardest part has been learning to test her blood before every injection.  But yes, she is my baby, so I will do everything I have to do to take care of her.

Whoever said the Skinfood Black Sugar Scrub mask smelled like a lozenge wasn't kidding..... yikes!!  I'm lemony fresh!

@@tiedyedlifestyle how did you notice that your sweetie-pie had diabetes? Did this just show up in the regular checkup bloodwork or something?

I always worry about these types of things with my 2 cats. As they age, our pets do seem to get stricken with the same types of diseases we humans get :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


I noticed that she had lost a bunch of weight, and was suddenly acting really thirsty and begging for water all the time.  Since she was drinking a lot more, she was using the litter box a lot more too.  Those signs prompted me to take her in to see what was wrong.  I didn't want to see the signs at first... They did a blood/urine workup and that's when it was discovered :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  Switching her from dry food to low carb wet food has had a positive impact on her numbers and is part of the reason I don't think she will be on insulin forever.  ETA:  I later learned that weakness in the back legs is a sign of feline diabetes as well. .. I had noticed she was having a hard time jumping up to the sink sometimes, sometimes she'd miss and fall.  So that's a sign, too.

off to wash this mask off!

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Just wanted to pop in and say HI really quick!  I've been off the board ever since New Years.  My kitty was diagnosed with diabetes so I was very stressed having to learn all about that.  I joined a new forum, one for owners of feline diabetics, so I've been spending all my time over there trying to learn about how to take care of my kitty.  

There hasn't been much to talk about Memewise anyway... I just got my Global #18 box in the mail today -- first impressions were good.  I'm excited to try the weird shower jelly and hopefully the Beetox cream is good.
Good to see you. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

So sorry about your kitty having a chronic illness. One of my Maltese ( the 4 lb. AKC Grand Champion, retired)  has a heat/ resp. disorder which really upset us when it was diagnosed about 6 months ago. The good news is that she seems stable now with 3 medications twice a day. 

I won't be traveling until her sweet little life is over..which I hope is a long time away. She is 11, and she deserves so much more than we, her late in life adoptive family, can ever give her. 

I applaud your devotion to Kitty very much!!!

I knew I forgot something when I was bathing tonight- the mint shower jelly. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Although I'm going to see what it does in my Jacuzzi jetted bath tub, LOL.

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HAHAHAHAH I was just coming here to write that I forgot to take my mint jelly to the shower too!!!! I turned on the water and was like "really?!  That was the whole point!"  
It's definitely interesting!  I like it and it makes my skin smell minty fresh even when I'm out and dry :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

HAHAHAHAH I was just coming here to write that I forgot to take my mint jelly to the shower too!!!! I turned on the water and was like "really?!  That was the whole point!"  
LOLOL, I actually DID use a product from a Memebox as a cleanser in my bath tonight and I <3 <3 <3 it now!

It's the Migabee Honey Pureberry Oil Soap.

I am SO addicted!! It's oil, it's pure and great for dry skin, and it cleans face and body skin. 

So, not a total loss tonight. I'm always so thrilled to find a great body product in a Memebox because, IMO, they are very few and far between.

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Ha! China IS getting the CPM2 leftovers! IMG_20150114_060409.jpg

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Just wanted to pop in and say HI really quick!  I've been off the board ever since New Years.  My kitty was diagnosed with diabetes so I was very stressed having to learn all about that.  I joined a new forum, one for owners of feline diabetics, so I've been spending all my time over there trying to learn about how to take care of my kitty.  

There hasn't been much to talk about Memewise anyway... I just got my Global #18 box in the mail today -- first impressions were good.  I'm excited to try the weird shower jelly and hopefully the Beetox cream is good.
Sorry to hear about your kitty. I know first hand how hard it is when a pet gets ill. I had to put my cat down after struggling for 3 years to keep her alive. She had an autoimmune disorder and was diagnosed through her annual bloodwork at about 10 years old. She was on prednisone at first but it got so bad she had to have a blood transfusion. after the transfusion she lived about three years with daily medication. It was very hard both emotionally and financially. I spent about $7000 on her but I would do it again. Pets are family and sometimes they offer more support than humans. I wish your kitty a speedy recovery. Your kitty appreciates all that you are doing to help.

Ha! China IS getting the CPM2 leftovers!
LOL!  Watch out, China, it's a slippery slope.  Memebox will lure you in with great boxes and then switch on ya.

The whole affiliate thing, it's too complicated; I'm not doing it any more although I just started a couple of months ago and only reviewed a few boxes.  Since I no longer want to recommend Memebox to my readers, it's a no-brainer.  Also, I noticed that whenever I posted about Memebox the silence was deafening.  Don't think my readers really cared -- I did start out as a nail polish only blog and last year added some makeup reviews, but my target audience is older in general and I'm not feeling the love for Memebox, either from them or in myself any more.

I feel so disconnected from this thread and from Memebox lately. I haven't even mustered up the effort it takes to sign up for the new affiliate program. It was fun while it lasted, but even now that they're releasing new boxes, they're over-priced, under-valued, and underwhelming. I don't want to continue to recommend the boxes to my readers if even I don't think they're worth it, it just doesn't make sense to me as a blogger. It makes me sad since I've been with them since Global #1, but once something stops being a value, or becomes more of a hassle than it's worth, it's time to bow out.

I just feel like my time and money could be spent better elsewhere, considering the Memeshop prices seriously leave something to be desired. 

I probably won't be in this thread too much anymore although I'll follow along and pop in if I feel the need to (I do have a bunch of Memebox lippies coming!) but now I'm going to set up shop over in the K-Beauty thread, Beauteque and 3B threads. 

I would say that I hope Memebox takes notice of their customers leaving, (how could they not?) But it's clear they don't seem t care about keeping their sales high or their customers happy...which is probably not the best business model, lol ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I removed their links from my website last week and have no intention of signing up with the new program. I haven't recommended then for over a month though and I think my order for the sleeping pack may well be my last.

@@MissJexie well said . I'm not losing sleep over memebox . I've just had beauteque reply to my email of my review and it's made me so happy . How personal it was said . I won't he signing up to new affiliate . I recieved Boxing Day 1 box it won't be even going in the blog to be reviewed . The last load of boxes took for ever to ship when other parcels from Korea got here still in 5 days . Strange that . So I'm giving my friend the whole 3 boxes to be belated Xmas gift . At the end of the month memebox will not be advertised on my blog . They had there chance and I just feel it's not value for money any longer .i gone elsewhere . I may buy the global boxes bit I won't be buying every release . And the points I actually won't miss or any other sales gimmick
