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Just used my 19 points on the secret key intense sleeping pack and think it might be my last order. Tbh $19 is overpriced but got it with points.

I didn't get any. Just used points on the sleeping pack.

Refunded Boxing Day lush today (don't ask) and got a boots order instead so not broke no buy. Wasn't gonna do it with those masks

I bet it was a mistake as the other mask don't have the free shipping. I wouldn't put it past Memebox to cancel all the orders as they have done it before when they made a mistake. But hopefully those that grabbed them will still get them as it was a great deal.
hope they don't cancel,
I'm slightly tempted by the spider mask set just for its weirdness. There was a Hong Kong site that was selling it for $100HK though (but doesn't ship international from what I can make out or I'd have snapped it up). However, I've still got all the Ettang pots to go through and the winter mask box coming plus god know how many Etude House others so I don't think I can justify spending any cash (or points) on it. Will wait to see what's released on the 15th, if nothing interesting and its still available then I "may" use my points but if not, I'm in no rush to get anything else..

So slightly off the current topic.

I had my first Memebox order mistake.

I don't know whose order I got but it's not mine.

What was the email address that worked best for anyone who has had this issue?


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