The new box's blurb says "...the ultimate selection of skincare, makeup, and hair products."
Wow. That's a lot to ask of just five (probably) products!
And @@squoosh, really? REALLY? They won't honor the code/prize you won and are telling you to just go ahead and spend your money and then they'll reimburse you? That is so not right. I think they totally ****ed up the Golden Ticket contest in every way possible and makes me dislike them even more. I believe they are legally obligated to honor the prize code because if they messed it up at their end that's their problem, not yours.
So we have been griping about $29.00 mystery boxes that only include 5 items and they decide to remedy the situation by introducing yet another $29 mystery box (probably with only 5 items) and still no usefull codes or any other incentives?!?
I haven't seen my emails yet, but on the website, the new box is listed as $29....... all this extra money should mean they could at least hire a proofreader, geesh.
Just checked and the email states $39 bit website says 29 . Just had a new email saying $29 .00 lol not even memebox know what there doing then . Thought I was going mad seeing 2 prices
Box is -$29.99 with $6.99 shipping which seems to be the norm now. Ok to increase price and reduce products if (and only if) the brand is better quality with better ingredients. So move from drugstore to department store. BUT, you need to let people know That's the reason for the price hike, not just pure greed to make more money.
@@squoosh TOTAL BS!! We all know getting their CS to do anything is like pulling teeth, so I can't imagine them jumping on the ball to quickly reimburse those funds. And the point of the contest was not to be reimbursed later. Why can't they just issue a code?? I'm don't work in web sales or cs, but it seems like that would be fairly easy to do.... Just frickin' honor your promotions!!!!! I wouldn't trust them to reimburse either. I'm in a white hot rage over this, and it's not even my code!
Thanks, @@tiedyedlifestyle and @thesilvernail. It's really not shocking.
I honestly was in total disbelief that they didn't straighten out the situation with the 1st place winner.
It seems like it would have been pretty easy to figure out how to cancel all the orders that used that code since they knew what happened before anything could have possibly shipped. That girl was such a good sport about it, too! They honestly just don't care one bit about their customers. They prove it constantly.
@@squoosh are you based in the US? Can you report them to someone? They are governed by US laws NOT korean now so legally are obliged to comply with the relevant legislation. In the UK there a governing body that will investigate competitions or prizes that haven't been sent etc. Even the mere threat of contacting them usually results in the company coughing up the prize sharpish as they can be fined otherwise. Is there something in the states you could contact? NO WAY IN HELL should you have to buy a box and I wouldn't trust them either to reimburse. They should be investigated for breaching state law. Is anyone on here a lawyer or knows US law? Perhaps posting on a law forum and see if you get any response. As I said, if it were the UK I could point you in the right direction but I have no idea about the US..,
@@squoosh I've pm'd you a website that might be able to help. If I get any further responses I'll let you know ok? I honesty don't think they should be allowed to get away with it.
Wouldn't it be easier for them just to give you Memepoints instead of reimbursing you? Obviously they should just give you a new code but wouldn't that be easier than emailing receipts?
It makes absolutely no sense why they can't just issue you 100 points! Seems like they're trying to make it a hassle for you to get your free boxes so you decide just to not bother and they save their money. That's awful!! I hope you can get some results!
As for Memebox, I've decided to update my website to not have a Memebox section itself, just Korean beauty product section with Memebox a sub-category instead. I don't feel like I will be buying enough from them in future to have it any other way. I also haven't received review points I submitted last week. I got some from a week before that but now nothing. It will really suck if they suddenly decided not to give them out anymore without telling us. I rely on those points to be able to afford to buy things to review. Oh well, just placed an order for TesterKorea, I'm moving on like all of you! haha! Now if TK would ship the first order I placed on Dec.27th that's still in standby... but that's a problem for another thread /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Blech. I was waiting to see what the VIP coupons were. My first one. Underwhelmed is is an overstatement.
I'm actually happy memebox is so disappointing. I was worried they would turn into a wallet black hole and I was hesitant to even start. But, it happily turns out- its so easy to say goodbye.