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I must admit my feet are not as bad as his so probably good idea to let him use it!
Ditto with my husband - years of playing hockey and football so not a pretty sight!

Did buy a pair of those little cotton socks so I could do a deep moisturise (along with gloves for my hands) so might do that Sunday night as off on Monday (yeah!).

Speaking of feet, the Glow Glow balm from the Pinkaholic box is my new favorite foot treatment ever!  It's very oily so I don't like it on my face or other skin, but what I've been doing with it is putting it on the bottoms of my feet after a bath, then some lotion (current seasonal fave is peppermint), then cotton socks overnight.  In the morning my feet are incredibly soft.  Despite the balm's pinkness, my husband let me put it on his feet and he loved it as well.

So, looks like Memebox is up to its old tricks again and including items that are very close / past their use by dates. Will see once Garden box arrives, but will defo complain if the item has past its use by date. Not good enough Memebox :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

What is the best season to use a foot peeling mask? I have one but my thoughts are: if I use it during summer, everyone will see my feet peeling... if I use it during winter, all my tights and socks will look very nasty and my feet may get irritated...

@alexz autumn and spring? Spring so tootsies are nice for the summer sandals and autumn before they feet are hidden away in boots.

So, looks like Memebox is up to its old tricks again and including items that are very close / past their use by dates. Will see once Garden box arrives, but will defo complain if the item has past its use by date. Not good enough Memebox :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Have they ever included something past the use by date before? Most often, people think they have but it turns out to be the manufacturing date, I don't think I've ever heard of someone actually getting an expired product (haven't seen the new spoilers yet, though).

No, according to the person that put up the spoilers, its defo the use by date and expired on the 18/12/14. Don't have the box yet...will arrive either tomorrow morning or Monday so will check mine so might just be a rogue one but if its not...

Have they ever included something past the use by date before? Most often, people think they have but it turns out to be the manufacturing date, I don't think I've ever heard of someone actually getting an expired product (haven't seen the new spoilers yet, though).
I think its maybe happened once before so not really something I would call 'old tricks'

But these do seem to be expired if the date stated is correct, as they would have had to have been manufactured mid shipment :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I was meaning the number of items they've included recently with short expiry dates ( the whole Shara Shara gift set has to be used by October 2015), there are at least another 3 items in other boxes that have to be used by the end of next year. I do not like this new trend...seems they are purchasing items that are close to expiry date cheaply and popping them in the boxes hoping people won't really notice. If you bought food from an online seller and it was past the use by date, you probably would not eat it (and would contact the company concerned to complain). Why should it be any different for something you are putting on your face? Yes, it may well be fine for another 6 months to a year but that's not the point. It should arrive with at least 6 months left to run.

I was meaning the number of items they've included recently with short expiry dates ( the whole Shara Shara gift set has to be used by October 2015), there are at least another 3 items in other boxes that have to be used by the end of next year. I do not like this new trend...seems they are purchasing items that are close to expiry date cheaply and popping them in the boxes hoping people won't really notice. If you bought food from an online seller and it was past the use by date, you probably would not eat it (and would contact the company concerned to complain). Why should it be any different for something you are putting on your face? Yes, it may well be fine for another 6 months to a year but that's not the point. It should arrive with at least 6 months left to run.
I agree that sending something out that's past its expiration or within a couple months of it is unacceptable, especially since Memeboxes sometimes take over a month to arrive! I think 6 months-1 year is okay (I know a lot of us have so many items waiting to be used, but I don't necessarily think that Memebox should have to account for that), but obviously not ideal.

If I receive an expired item in my Garden of Eden box, I will certainly be sending Memebox a complaint!

For the time being I'm staying away from anything that claims to be a "Best of" type box. Perhaps they've gotten better, but I'm still annoyed with the bloggers pick nonsense. The trust is low.


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