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@@tamelthecamel You are handling this way better than I would have. I think anyone who used the code, even if they didn't exactly know what was going on, should be reimbursing you the cost of the box they bought. Or buying a box and having it shipped to you. Trying to cancel it is great, but they can still make it up to you somehow.
I agree with you, this girl should have offered to PayPal 30.00 to her or send the box her way when it arrived. Because it doesn't belong to her. At all. The same people who felt justified stealing someone else's code, whether it was put online by accident or not, to me are the same type of people who have no conscience about keeping a lost phone or using a lost debit card. Like, I mean, it's my fault I dropped it right?! Call me a pessimist or perhaps just a realist but I'm not entirely buying the "friend" story either. She was probably freaked out by possibly being caught. Anyway, none of my business, you've handled it 1000x better than I woyldve, but surrendering to hopeless situations is probably healthier anyway. Lol. I would've asked everyone who "accidentally" used the code to drop 30 bucks in my paypal, those who truly didn't know what they were doing would've, maybe. The rest are thieves. Just my 2 cents which is worth much less...

@@MissJexie yes that's the one!! I thought the same, such an expensive product (at least according to Memebox!!) and zero result And it didn't feel nice at all to have these socks on for more than an hour.

But you're right, I've read amazing things about foot peelings in general and probably should give that second one a go. I love the whole foot therapy box too, I'm using EVERY SINGLE product!! (Apart from that mask but going to next weekend I just decided ) Even the cuticle oil gets used, not on my toes but on my fingernails!!
Yea I definitely wouldn't judge all foot peeling masks on that crappy one! They all feel kind of icky on the feet at first, but you do get used to it! ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I haven't tried the Mizon one from that box yet, but maybe someone else here has? I know that I've had great luck with their products in general!

I couldn't agree more about Foot Therapy. I bought it just because I knew my feet would need some care this Winter, but I wasn't expecting to love everything I have tried from it so far. I've also been using the Mizon Olive Cocoa foot cream from the While You Were Sleeping box and it's to die for! 

Never thought i'd be raving about foot products LOL ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

So I looked through my inventory tonight and I realized that I have over 8 stuffed Memeboxes worth of STUFF that I need to get through -- and I think I still have at least five on the way. So from here on out I am on a Meme no-buy (and an everything else low-buy). The ONLY boxes I will buy for sure are a Tea Box 2 or a box with a Nuganic sunblock, which are both highly unlikely to occur. Anything else will have to be with points.

In other news, my Palan hair essence ran out and I'm considering taking a saw to it to scrap out the last little bits. The Mise en Scene conditioner in the big orange tube has been doing a decent job of substituting but it's breaking my shoulders out. I'm so sad.

I agree with you, this girl should have offered to PayPal 30.00 to her or send the box her way when it arrived. Because it doesn't belong to her. At all. The same people who felt justified stealing someone else's code, whether it was put online by accident or not, to me are the same type of people who have no conscience about keeping a lost phone or using a lost debit card. Like, I mean, it's my fault I dropped it right?! Call me a pessimist or perhaps just a realist but I'm not entirely buying the "friend" story either. She was probably freaked out by possibly being caught. Anyway, none of my business, you've handled it 1000x better than I woyldve, but surrendering to hopeless situations is probably healthier anyway. Lol. I would've asked everyone who "accidentally" used the code to drop 30 bucks in my paypal, those who truly didn't know what they were doing would've, maybe. The rest are thieves. Just my 2 cents which is worth much less...
I totally don't understand someone coming forward to say they used it but not offering to do anything about it. It's like saying "sorry I used your code, but I'm going to keep my free box". If they really felt bad about it they could have offered to replace it.

I just took out from the box the Solucion 9 aztec therapy shampoo from hair salon. The tube is half full!!! (you can see how much it's inside if you put the tube in front of some bright light) It's sealed, so no way it leaked. The size of the tube is so misleading... I would expect it to be at least 80% full!!!

Wonder if there will be any spoilers for Garden of Eden as was shipped yesterday. Probably won't receive it till Monday but last unknown box.

@@Krystyn Lowe @@starry101 @@blinded @@Mahsa she actually did offer to send me the price of the box through PayPal! Sorry, I should have mentioned that! Thats what led me to believe she was sincere. It feels weird accepting money when I did nothing to earn it or am not sending anything in return though. I didn't buy the ticket after all, just paid for the green food box which wouldve been worth it for me even if I had gotten no ticket in it since I love that box. I would prefer if the other people who used the code not offer to send me money because it made me feel reeeeeally awkward

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@@tamelthecamel well, at least there was one person who had a conscious - the rest, let karma come their way next year! You've been so nice about this so here's hoping 2015 will be your year and everything you wish for comes true. You have a big heart (I know I would have been raging if it had been me!) so sending good karma your way! Have a very merry Christmas and all the best for 2015!


Good morning...I've got a question for you

Has anyone used the foot peeling mask from the Bath & Body 4 Spa Edition Box yet? I tried it a couple of weeks ago but it did nothing really apart from making my feet a bit raw (more than they usually are that is). Skin flaked a tiny little bit but could hardly tell. I soaked my feet before using the mask and in the days after but nothing really happened
Same here, the sock one did nothing! I've been meaning to post about the Mizon Magic Peeling and always forget. I thought it was excellent. It's the only peel, besides the Calmia, that has worked for me and left me with amazingly soft feet. Definitely give it a try. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
I loved the Mizon one too.  It took a little longer than I thought it would (like 4 full days) to get any peeling but then, after a soak in the tub, everything started to peel.  It was crazy but really cool.  After a few days, I had new feet :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> There was not a place that didn't peel! Love that whole box, actually.

I loved the Mizon one too.  It took a little longer than I thought it would (like 4 full days) to get any peeling but then, after a soak in the tub, everything started to peel.  It was crazy but really cool.  After a few days, I had new feet :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> There was not a place that didn't peel! Love that whole box, actually.
thank you for that review!  I plan to do a foot peel this weekend, and was wondering which one to use :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I have used Etude House, Tonymoly and Baby Foot brand foot peels. They have all worked really well for me. I use one every few weeks. I leave them on for one to two hours which is usually longer than the directions say. It always takes about four days to start peeling.

Must admit, foot peeling masks kinda freak me out so going to give that to my husband and he can have a go...don't mind foot creams that moisturise though. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Still no spoilers...

Must admit, foot peeling masks kinda freak me out so going to give that to my husband and he can have a go...don't mind foot creams that moisturise though. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Still no spoilers... boyfriend has already asked whether he can use the peeling mask!!! It might be gone before I get the chance to give that mizon mask a try

My husband also loves them and uses them every few weeks. His feet are so so so much better. He used to have rough dry feet with cracks. Now they are smooth!
