For those of you looking for an update to the golden ticket thing, here it is: I've emailed memebox several times and I haven't recieved one response. It's been over a week since my first email. The restocks have started shipping. I'm assuming that they're not going to get back to me. I'm disappointed but I'm not angry. It WAS my mistake. Memebox held up their end of the ticket and provided 50 boxes for free and that is all that matters with them. Not everyone who used the code did it to take advantage, so I wouldn't like affiliates contacting meme about people they think used the codes. I got a message from a girl who used it because her friend had given it to her and she didn't know anything about it, and she tried to cancel her box but memebox wouldn't let her. The people who did take advantage, whatever. People are ******, that's life. I know better next time.
I'm not going to contact memebox about this anymore because the whole thing makes me sad and I want to forget about it. I love memebox and I will continue to buy their boxes until I have no more room for products

[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I'm happy that a majority on here were nice to me and didn't make me feel even more stupid. You're all lovely people

[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />