I'm sorry about how you personally feel about the situation, but I'm going to have to call you out on this: that you come here to start this topic and how you have conversed with MuT's members regarding their responses has been somewhat disrespectful.
Not because what you say isn't true -- in your experience, at least, it is -- but way you are sort of forcing your personal experiences upon everyone like it's fact is rubbing me the wrong way. I think we here are all feel for your situation and are happy to discuss how makeup can be oppressive and the societal expectations/social pressures of wearing makeup, but reading through the thread, it mostly just seems like you want everyone else to agree that makeup is oppressive and bow our heads and....what? Stop wearing makeup?
I am also 23 years old. I have suffered from horrible cystic acne for the last 10+ years and have multiple, permanent scars on my face. I have experienced multiple episodes of major depression, have wondered whether or not I'm pretty, have not dated in about 5 years now. I'm practically the poster child for "I don't feel pretty without makeup" and you know what? I don't feel that way. Who knows, maybe I will feel this way in 5, 10, 15 years, maybe in a month, but I don't now.
You're right that I don't know what it's like to be you, and maybe if I had lived your life, I would feel this way. But on the other hand, you haven't lived my life, and despite situations I've been in, I don't feel makeup is oppressive -- so why are you telling me how I should feel? MuT is a discussion board... I'm sure we're happy to debate too, but you don't really seem like you want to discuss anything with us. Just for us to agree with you.