...I find it interesting that customers get upset when they feel a company isn't being transparent about issues and then others get upset when a company is attempting to be transparent, feels like a no win situation...
This is a bit of a generalized point to respond to your comment, mainly the one above. I love transparency, I've stuck with boxes that were underimpressive if they've been honest. My problem with this whole thing was that it wasn't transparent - it was outright lying as an excuse, then they deleted or ignored all questions or concerns. If they'd said "Man, we just couldn't get it together for this box", I'd have been far more placated then easily researchable excuses. Or if they said "we'll toss in a bonus next month" - EVEN if it was something worth a buck or two or a coupon or anything. Granted, I watch it more than most because of my own business and imports, but a simple "dockworkers strike" on Google shows it JUST happened, probably around the time they began shipping to US. My earrings are very tiny (I got the infinity ones) and very flimsy, there are gorgeous large hoops for that price on the designers site - they have no items that are as small as what I got - so I couldn't comparably price, but since the bigger, more ornate ones are cheaper, I'm making an educated guess.
That is where biz relationships get soured for me. 3 days delay, if that is enough to throw an entire box off, then the model is poor. I've been part of boxes (or watched on here) where the delays start to grow where they are barely getting the vendor items before ship date - and they always crumble. IMO, the things for Feb's box should have been in hand 3-4 weeks before shipping date (minus perishables, which would come in at appropriate times, but being the ONLY thing to come in late) which should have been more than enough to account for weather delays.
I have a box that essentially gets me what I pay for in the Fantasy box. It's not a "deal" as far as what I get versus the price I pay, but I get new, fun things. They don't try to tell me I'm getting a deal. A box that does, but fluffs up the "retail price" to trick customers irks me too. I HATED this with FabFitFun. Not only was I getting junk grade items for the lower priced stuff, but they were overstating the box value by as much as $80-$120 if you counted discounts and coupons. In 3 boxes, the retail prices listed were always way above what was the selling point online.
I REALLY want to like this box, I don't have a "pamper my own dang self" box. I have makeup samples because I had no makeup before. I wasn't very girly but as I aged, I wanted to both take care of myself and my skin with better quality things for my husband in the future. Fantasy box... well, I've been married almost 11 years so... but that's more for him too.

[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I love the idea behind it.
But I also want a HONEST box. I don't mind the snark, or the sarcasm. The fudge is TO DIE FOR. I ate it out of the box like Spoonfudge at first. It's my own personal opinion that stationary should never be considered a full price item - people could make their own for pennies with a printer, I always consider than an extra - most other subs I've been in and out of consider it an extra too - but I understand counting that too.
I won't cancel just yet, but I don't care for excuses or lies. I'm hoping this is a blip and have read through this thread trying to find out just what has happened in the past. There isn't much out there that is just like this, just what I want and need as a ragged, haggard mom who is constantly on the go and needs some refreshers. I'd keep a sub if every other box is a value, I don't need a WOW ME EVERY MONTH box, nothing could do that because it's not a sub I hand pick everything. I don't want those - I could go to the store and do that myself. But I do need honesty.