You don't think the fact that they were able to put this box together is doing something about it? It may not be a wow box but they certainly delivered. And to be fair, these makers of small businesses have a short time to produce hundreds of products, on top of regular orders they already receive, I'm sure that's no small feat.
My point was, THEY said the box wasn't up to snuff. They sent it anyway. Their reason on the letter said it was because of the dockstrike and weather. Weather really doesn't effect much to get stuff in and out (it's usually not tied up coming AND going) and the docstrike was long after the goods should ahve been in town. Don't put a "retail price" if it's not the retail price. There are TONS of good boxes with more than a 20% value. Fantasy box has been incredible, birchbox has been great as samples, I get plenty, ipsy has consistently given products well above the cost of the bag, as has Barkbox. Rarely, do I see a company give an advertised price and theirs is listed higher to trick you into thinking you got more for your money when you didn't. Wantable didn't use to, but when others saw the quality shot downhill, theirs was fluffed (if it wasn't a discontinued item that you couldn't buy anywhere anyway.)
In other words, their admittedly poor box was still full price but "not what they wanted to see" - while giving excuses that make no sense at all. Like I said, a dock slowing down 2 weeks ago to prevent imports for ingredients? If this stuff really is handcrafted and made, I can't see any of it being ordered, made and then shipped back to the company in less than a week (since mine is already here, I've giving it a week shipping time). So using the dockworkers situation as a cover for something that could be wrong in other manners, somewhat irks me. Being dishonest about the situation isn't a good start for any company and in a sub-company, EVERY month is a chance at being a "good start".
The earrings, well - they don't make those anymore but the price point has some really, really great pieces online.
It's what they said in the note - another thing that is curiouser and curioser is they are shutting down new subs, which when watching some of you and one of my own go, it doesn't bode well for the chain of products. I hope it's a blip, the products I did get were nice, but $80 of product and the $13 of that being stationary is a little bit steep IMO. I assumed, since they said they couldn't get what they wanted they either:
Gave us less things than they intended to, as they have in the past.
Would tell us where they fell short and give a buck or two off the next box.
But to say a "wrong box" is what you sent, with a big ol' "get over it" on top? Customer relations has to work - what if the items I got had spilled over itself due to poor packaging? Would I ever be able to get to them again?